Symposium proposals should be submitted in English via the Conference website. You could also send the proposal (including the suggested title, a brief description, and the organizers’ information) to ICCES Secretariat

The chair will be in charge of corresponding, call for papers, instructing speakers, and will act as host and timekeeper during the session. The chair is also expected to assure speakers to present at the ICCES 2024, including payment of registration fees.

The structure of the symposium is not fixed. Generally, for contributed papers, each will be of a 15-minute presentation. For student papers, these will be of 10-minute presentation. Enough time for discussion should be included.

The deadline for symposium proposal submission is December 15, 2023 January 31, 2024. Proposals will be reviewed and notification for acceptance will be sent in around two weeks after the form has been submitted.

If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact the ICCES Secretariat

Heat transfer and fluid flow are fundamental phenomena in nature and engineering. Many aspects of production and daily life are closely related to heat transfer and fluid flow processes. Modeling and simulation of heat transfer and fluid flow are crucial for a wide range of scientific and industrial applications at various spatial and temporal scales, with increased interest in recent years.

Along with the development of the computer industry and the advancement of numerical methods, significant advances have been witnessed in modeling and simulation of heat transfer and fluid flow in past decades. A solid foundation in both hardware and software has been established to study the processes because of their importance in reducing production costs, discovering new phenomena, and developing new technologies, etc. However, accurate modeling and efficient, robust simulation of complex heat transfer and fluid flow still remain challenging. Multi-disciplinary research effort is a clear and general trend for the modeling and simulation of heat transfer and fluid flow, such as ‘multi’-scale, ‘multi’- modeling, advanced ‘multi’-algorithms, ‘multi’-physics, heterogeneous parallel computing with ‘multi’- hardware, ‘multi’-application, etc.

The proposed symposium aims to bring together researchers to highlight the current developments of heat transfer and fluid flow both in theory and computational methods, to exchange the latest research ideas, and to promote further collaborations in the community. We invite investigators to contribute to this symposium with original research articles/abstracts as well as comprehensive review articles addressing the recent advances and/or challenges in mathematical and numerical modeling, algorithms, and computation of complex heat transfer and fluid flow. Only the influential work will be considered in this symposium.


  • Advanced physical models of complex heat transfer and fluid flow 
  • Mesh adaptation and mesh generation methods 
  • Advanced discretization schemes 
  • Fast solvers and high-performance computation 
  • Model reduction method 
  • Molecular simulation and Lattice Boltzmann method 
  • Finite difference method, finite volume method, and finite element method 
  • Multiscale and multiphysics modeling and simulation 
  • Turbulence, turbulent drag reduction 
  • Single/multiphase flow and heat transfer 
  • Multicomponent flow and transfer 
  • Micro-channel flow and heat transfer 
  • Nano fluid flow and heat transfer 
  • Viscoelastic fluid flow and heat transfer 
  • Inverse modeling of heat transfer and fluid flow 
  • Stochastic process in heat transfer and fluid flow 
  • Heat transfer and fluid flow in porous media 
  • Benchmark solution, error estimates, and uncertainty quantification 
  • Multi-applications of heat transfer and fluid flow processes, e.g., enhanced heat transfer in microchannel, hot dry rock, hydrogen storage and transportation, etc.


Bo Yu
Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, China
Shuyu Sun
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Jinjia Wei
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Zhiguo Qu
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Yongtu Liang
Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China
Liang Gong
China University of Petroleum (East China), China
Weihua Cai
Northeast Electric Power University, China
Jianqin Zhu
Beihang University, China
Lin Chen
Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, China Academy of Sciences, China
Jingfa Li
Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, China
Hydraulic fracturing has become a key technology for increasing production in tight reservoirs such as shale oil and gas, hot dry rocks, and deep carbonate rocks, involving multiple coupled processes such as rock deformation, fluid flow, and crack propagation. Therefore, the problem of hydraulic fracturing is very complex. This topic closely revolves around the latest progress made in hydraulic fracturing of tight reservoirs. We welcome submissions from laboratory experiments, numerical simulations, rock mechanics, and other related aspects to this topic.


  • Hydraulic fracturing
  • Rock mechanics
  • Experiment
  • Numerical simulation
  • Finite element method


Daobing Wang
Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, China
Wei Liu
China University of Petroleum-Beijing, China
Mao Sheng
China University of Petroleum-Beijing, China

Yongliang Wang
China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, China

Jianqiao Hu
Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Bin Ding
Beihang University, China

Qinglei Zeng
Beijing Institute of Technology, China

Hai Sun
China University of Petroleum-East China, China

In the age of rapid digital transformation, the digital economy is becoming the backbone of global economic structures. With the integration of technologies such as blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), and quantum computing, the governance of digital elements is crucial for ensuring a sustainable and secure digital ecosystem. This proposal aims to shed light on the key technologies that underpin the digital economy and the challenges and solutions related to digital element governance.

The digital economy encompasses a wide range of digital activities, including e-commerce, digital banking, online education, and digital health services. These activities are powered by a plethora of technologies, with AI playing a pivotal role in data analysis, predictive modeling, and automation. AI's capabilities in processing vast amounts of data and making intelligent decisions make it a cornerstone of the digital economy. However, its integration also brings forth challenges related to ethics, bias, and transparency that need to be governed and regulated to ensure security, privacy, and efficiency.

As digital elements become more integrated into our daily lives, from AI-powered smart homes to smart cities, the governance of these elements becomes paramount. This includes ensuring the security of data, the privacy of users, and the interoperability of different digital platforms.

In this special issue, we aim to bring together researchers, industry experts, and policymakers to discuss the key technologies for the digital economy and the challenges and solutions for digital element governance. Potential topics include but are not limited to:
  • Blockchain and Digital Economy
  • IoT and Digital Governance
  • Machine Learning, AI, and Data Privacy: 
  • Quantum Computing and Digital Security
  • Digital Identity Verification
  • AI-driven Decision Making and Governance
  • Regulations and Policies for Digital Governance
  • Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity
  • Digital Twin Technologies for Digital Governance
  • Cybersecurity Challenges in the Digital Economy
  • Digital Element Interoperability
  • Ethical Considerations in AI

We believe that this special issue will provide a comprehensive overview of the key technologies for the digital economy, with a special emphasis on the role and challenges of AI, and the solutions for digital element governance. We invite researchers, industry experts, and policymakers to contribute their insights and research findings to this important discussion.


Shen Su
Guangzhou University, China
Hui Lu
Guangzhou University, China
As global oil & gas exploration and development gradually expands to deep formation, deep water and unconventional fields, oil & gas drilling and production face more complex surface environments and geological conditions, which puts forward higher requirements for the development of related technologies. Drilling and completion, as the main method and key link in oil & gas engineering, have the typical characteristics of technology-intensive, large investment and high risk. Its development level is crucial to the highly efficient development of oil and gas resources.

This symposium mainly focuses on basic issues in oil & gas drilling and completion engineering and exchanges relevant research progress and new results, including but not limited to downhole tubular mechanics, multi-phase fluid mechanics in wellbore, near-well rock mechanics, intelligent drilling and completion theory, drilling and completion optimization design, etc. You are very welcome to share your innovative work in theoretical modeling, indoor experiments, numerical simulations, etc. By organizing this symposium, we hope to provide useful references for the innovative development of basic theories in oil & gas engineering and the technological advancement of drilling and completion engineering.

  • Oil & gas engineering
  • Drilling and completion
  • Mechanical problems
  • Design and control


Wenjun Huang
China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
Tianshou Ma
Southwest Petroleum University
, China
Zizhen Wang
China University of Petroleum, East China
, China
The kinetic theory stems from the statistical mechanics established at the mesoscopic scale. In the area of fluid dynamics, the kinetic theory outperforms the macroscopic interpretations (represented by the Navier-Stokes equations) in theoretical generality: no restrictions from the continuum assumption. Various methods have been developed within the framework of kinetic theory, which include lattice Boltzmann method (LBM), discrete velocity method (DVM), gas kinetic scheme (GKS), unified gas kinetic scheme (UGKS), discrete unified gas kinetic scheme (DUGKS), and many others. These methods play unique and important roles in almost all areas of fluid dynamics studies.
This Symposium aims to be a forum for presenting recent progress in the very active area of kinetic theory-based methods in fluid dynamics. Papers dealing with the development of kinetic-theory-related numerical schemes and their applications to fluid dynamics problems are particularly welcome.

  • Lattice Boltzmann method
  • Discrete velocity method
  • Gas kinetic scheme and others
  • Kinetic theory-based flux solvers
  • High-order methods
  • Multiphase/Multiphysics flows
  • Micro flows
  • Rarefied flows
  • Flows in porous media
  • Particle-laden flows


Zhen Chen
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
, China
Liangqi Zhang
Chongqing University
, China
Liming Yang
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
In the past few years, there has been a significant rise in the quantity of literature focused on instances of building structural failures. This is evident through the release of specialized journals, books, and articles, as well as the growing number of conferences that discuss the examination of real-life examples of structural failure.

Studying actual cases is crucial because it helps identify the reasons for failures. This knowledge can then be used to offer technical support to insurance companies dealing with claims, develop suitable solutions for repairs, gain insights from the failures, and ultimately prevent future occurrences. It's worth noting that the examination of structural failures has consistently contributed to advancements in structural design, leading to the development of new theories, concepts, construction details, and more.

The study of structural failures has been greatly facilitated by numerical modeling, such as the finite element method (FEM). The current calculation programs have the ability to perform intricate processes and feature increasingly user-friendly interfaces. With the capabilities of modern computers, it is clear that employing complex numerical models is a suitable approach for analyzing failures in real structures. The ability to perform nonlinear computations enables us to simulate the behavior of structures until they fail or collapse. Nonlinear calculations offer various possibilities, such as considering material yielding and cracking, accommodating large displacements, analyzing intersurface contact areas, and studying buckling phenomena.

Simulating and analyzing structures and infrastructures numerically is a complex task due to the involvement of multiple features and the connection between different domains, which can often be diverse. Therefore, this symposium focuses on the numerical simulation and failure analysis of infrastructural systems. We welcome both theoretical and application papers for this purpose.

Possible submission topics include, but are not limited to:
• Evaluating numerical methods like the finite element method (FEM), extended FEM, finite difference,
  mesh free, for analyzing infrastructures.
• Validating numerical techniques through experimental tests.
• Conducting detailed numerical simulations and developing simplified models.
• Performing finite element analysis to study structures under extreme loads such as wind, seismic,    and wave forces.
• Simulating coupled systems involving structures, such as fluid-structure interaction and soil-structure
• Modeling the nonlinear behavior of large-scale structures, including material and                                geometric nonlinearities.
• Quantifying uncertainties in structural systems exposed to multiple hazards.
• Integrating machine learning and soft computing techniques with numerical simulations.
• Presenting case studies on various structures (such as reinforced concrete and steel framed                buildings,high-rise towers) and infrastructures like dams, bridges, nuclear containment vessels,            tunnels, wind turbines, and offshore platforms.

The manuscripts that are submitted for this Symposium will undergo a peer review process prior to being published.

  • Dynamics multiscale modelling
  • Non-linear behaviour finite element modelling
  • Civil engineering structures
  • Engineering optimization
  • Strengthening and repair
  • Damage modelling


S. M. Anas
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University), New Delhi, India
Hadee Mohammed Najm
Civil Engineering Department, Bilad Alrafidain University College, Iraq
Yunchao Tang
Guangxi University, China
The huge amount of natural gas hydrates in marine deposits found in many regions of the world have been increasing attractive in recent years for energy security and transition. Owing to the clayey-silt nature of shallow marine deposits, producing natural gas from gas hydrates is extremely challenging. Encountered problems include low production rate, silt/sand production, and wellbore collapse. These problems shorten the period of stable gas production which hinders commercial exploitation of gas hydrate fields. To improve the efficiency of gas production from gas hydrate reservoirs, large scale and in-depth scientific research efforts are highly demanded. This symposium provides a platform for researchers to share their recent accomplishments in the research area. The symposium particularly focuses on experimental studies and computer modeling of natural gas production processes from the marine gas hydrate reservoirs. It is expected that symposium attendees will learn from each other about new ideas and achievements for solving the problems and improving the efficiency of natural gas production from marine gas hydrate sediments. The symposium will cover, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Characterization of marine gas hydrate deposits 
- Advances in research in decomposition of gas hydrates 
- Geothermal stimulation of gas hydrate reservoirs 
- Wellbore stability in marine gas hydrate sediments 
- Control of sand/silt production from clayey-silt deposits 
- New well completion methods for marine gas hydrate production 
- Efficiency of CH4-CO2 swapping processes 
- CO2 storage in gas hydrate reservoirs

  • Marine gas hydrate
  • Well productivity
  • Wellbore stability
  • Experimental study
  • Computer simulation


Boyun Guo
University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA

Jun Li
China University of Petroleum-Beijing, China

Na Wei
Southwest Petroleum University, China
Fuping Feng
Northeast Petroleum University, China
Baojiang Sun
China University of Petroleum-East China, China
Dawei Liu
University of Guangdong Petrochemical Engineering, China

Wanchun Zhao
Northeast Petroleum University, China
Modeling of damage and fracture of materials and structures has been an active and persistent challenge in computational mechanics and various scientific and industrial fields. This mini-symposium provides an informative and stimulating forum to enhance the academic communications on this challenging topic, and focuses on the developments and applications of computational theories, numerical methods,models and algorithms for modeling damage and fracture of materials and structures. The topics covered include but not limited to:
  • Advances in theories, models and numerical methods for damage and fracture analysis; 
  • Multi-scale models and methods for damage and fracture analysis; 
  • Damage and fracture modeling in fluid-structure-interaction, thermo-mechanical coupling, and other multi-physics problems; 
  • Dynamic fracture modeling; 
  • Data-driven modeling for failure analysis; 
  • Damage and Fracture in Engineering structures.

  • Damage and fracture
  • Numerical methods
  • Dynamic failure
  • Multi-scale modeling
  • Multi-physics modeling
  • Peridynamics
  • Phase field method
  • Meshfree methods


Dan Huang
Hohai University, China

Xihua Chu
Wuhan University, China

Yan Liu
Tsinghua University, China
Lisheng Liu
Wuhan University of Technology, China
Ziguang Chen
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Zhanqi Cheng
Zhengzhou University, China
The recent decades have witnessed rapid advances in particle methods such as smoothed particle hydrodynamics, dissipative particle dynamics, and molecular dynamics. Particle methods have different numerical schemes from the grid-based numerical methods and have attracted more and more researchers from all over the world for various applications. This mini-symposium focuses on particle methods for dynamic problems from continuum to discrete material, from macro scale to micro scale, from novel algorithms to constructive modifications, and from numerical methods to engineering applications. In a word, the mini-symposium aims to provide an international forum for the presentation and showcase of recent advances in various aspects of particle methods and their applications in engineering and sciences. The particle methods include, but are not limited to:
1) Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
2) Discrete Element Method (DEM)
3) Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method (MPS)
4) Material Point Method (MPM)
5) Dissipative Particle Dynamics (DPD)
6) Molecular Dynamics (MD)


Dianlei Feng
Tongji University, China

Christian Weißenfels
Augsburg University, Germany

Moubin Liu
Peking University, China
Hydrogen (H2) storage is one of the main bottlenecks restricting the utilization of hydrogen energy. Underground hydrogen and CO2 storage (UHCS) are one of the possible solutions for large-scale clean energy storage to achieve carbon neutrality. The complexities of UHCS lie in strong gas-brine-rockmicroorganism chemical interactions, multiple occurrence-transport mechanisms, possible leakage through cap rocks and dynamic multi-scale migration. This symposium is dedicated to the achievements done on theoretic, experimental, and numerical studies on UHCS with an emphasis on new experimental and numerical techniques, new physical insights, incorporation of advanced physical and chemical models, and upscaling to the continuum scale, showcasing the recent advances in experiment and simulation of UHCS.

We are particularly looking for research on core experiments, molecular dynamic simulations, pore-scale transport modelling and field-scale numerical simulations related to UHCS. This symposium will cover topics of interest that include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Physical property of H2/ CO2 in confined pore spaces
2. H2/CO2 in-situ displacement experiments
3. Caprock H2/CO2 leakage assessment
4. Phase equilibrium modelling during UHCS
5. H2/CO2-brine-rock-microbial biogeochemical reactions
6. H2/CO2 occurrence-transport mechanisms in subsurface
7. Multi-scale H2/CO2 migration simulations
8. Controlling methods to reduce gas losses
9. Deep learning based UHCS simulation

  • Underground hydrogen and CO2 storage
  • Multi-scale simulation
  • Displacement experiments
  • Pore scale transport mechanisms
  • Leakage assessment
  • Reservoir simulation


Wenhui Song
China University of Petroleum (Beijing), China
Shiyuan Zhan
Chengdu University of Technology, China

Mingyu Cai
CNPC Research Institute of 
Safety and Environmental Technology, China
Cunqi Jia
The University of Texas at Austin, USA

Guangpu Zhu
National University of Singapore, Singapore

With the rapid development of modern science and technology, a variety of smart and advanced materials, such as piezoelectric ceramics, multiferroic composites, shape memory materials, ultra-high temperature ceramics, and thermal protection composites, have emerged to satisfy various specific requirements in the advanced industry. In engineering practice, these advanced materials are often subjected to the impact of multi-physics fields, which significantly affect their mechanical response and failure behaviors. Due to the coupling of multi-physics fields, the mathematical equations involved in the corresponding failure theory become notoriously complicated and tedious, and the exact solutions for the damage and fracture problems become extremely difficult. To address the challenge in multi-physics simulations of advanced materials, various mathematical models and numerical methods have been proposed in the past two decades, such as the phase-field model and peridynamics.
The symposium will cover, but is not limited to, the following topics:
  • Advances in theories, models, and numerical methods for multi-physics coupling problems
  • Damage and fracture of piezoelectric, ferroelectric, electromagnetic, and multiferroic materials
  • Electro-chemical failures, stress corrosion, and corrosion fatigue
  • Damage and fracture of lithium battery materials
  • Damage and fracture of composites in multi-physics environments
  • Fracture mechanics of quasicrystals
  • Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling cracking
  • Damage and fracture of metamaterials
  • Thermo-mechanical failure of smart polymer materials

  • Multi-physics coupling
  • Numerical modelling
  • Damage and fracture
  • Smart and advanced materials


Peidong Li
Department of Mechanics and Engineering, Sichuan University, China

Weidong Li
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Kaijuan Chen
School of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China
Dingyu Li
School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, China

Haidong Fan
Department of Mechanics and Engineering, Sichuan University, China

Xiaobao Tian
Department of Mechanics and Engineering, Sichuan University, China

Offshore oil and gas and new energy are major resources to ensure a sustainable industrial development in the future. Offshore structure is the key equipment oriented to marine development, marine utilization and marine protection. It involves many disciplines such as manufacturing, structural design, artificial intelligence, environmental survey, automation and automatic control. Theoretical and numerical calculation, simulation experiments are important technologies for offshore structures to solve practical problems, and they finally make it possible to understand the ocean.

Recognizing the growing importance and interest of Theoretical and numerical calculation, simulation experiments in offshore structures, we are pleased to introduce a mini-symposium dedicated to advanced computing algorithms for computation and more efficient methods in experiment. At the same time, we particularly welcome comments describing the current state of technology. We focus on topics, including but not limited to offshore oil engineering, subsea production system, offshore platform, marine risers and pipelines, intelligent design and manufacture of marine equipment, structural safety and reliability, intelligent monitoring and operation.

Ocean engineering, Offshore structure, Underwater system, Structural design, Artificial intelligence, Advanced experimental processing, Engineering calculation


Zhixun Yang
Harbin Engineering University, China
Wei Chai
Wuhan University of Technology, China

Future wireless environments will rely on massive machine-type communications and the Internet of Everything (IoE) to enable an increasingly intelligent world with ambient-assisted living, smart controlling, and real-time data monitoring. The integration of radar sensing, positioning and communication in the same spectrum is likely to be one of the key techniques in B5G and 6G IoE wireless systems. A joint design of Radar and communication functions will improve the efficiency of spectrum usage, and will offer the opportunity of providing Radar as a service like communications today. Recent advances techniques such as reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs), ambient backscatter and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), mmWave/Terahertz communications, massive MIMO and machine learning, among others, are making this vision possible, but many technical challenges still remain, from hardware up to the application layer. Therefore, the advanced techniques for IoE is the subject of rapidly growing interest in the research community, and this symposium aims to bring together researchers, industry practitioners, and individuals working on the related areas to share their new ideas, latest findings, and state-of-the-art results.

Scope and topics of the Symposium:
This symposium aims to bring together researchers, industry practitioners, and individuals working on the related areas to share their new ideas, latest findings, and state-of-the-art results. List of potential topics to be covered by the special issue include, but are not limited to:
  • Joint Radar and communication design for IoE
  • Machine learning/Network Intelligence for IoE
  • Ambient Backscatter Communications for IoE
  • MIMO/Massive MIMO/Terahertz communication/Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface for IoE
  • Security and privacy issues for IoE
  • Indoor sensing/positioning/detection for IoE
  • NGMA-based IoE networks
  • Radar sensing/signal processing for IoE
  • Network architectures/transmission protocols/frame designs for IoE

Ambient Backscatter Communications, Internet of Everything (IoE), Joint Radar and communications, Next Generation Multiple Access (NGMA), Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces


Gaojian Huang
Henan Polytechnic University, China
Xingwang Li
Henan Polytechnic University, China

Ji Wang
Central China Normal University, China

Khaled M. Rabie
Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Engineers have been continuously striving to improve the efficiency of conventional problems of Structural Health Monitoring, of building and bridges. In recent years, an increasing role of Image Processing in civil engineering – related areas has been observed, leading to many exciting and innovative applications. Image Processing methods are problem-solving strategies that are used to find approximate solutions to complex problems. These methods are mainly inspired by the strategies that nature uses to solve problems. Most frequently, they are employed to substitute or enhance complex and computationally intensive mathematical models that have proved intractable for conventional analysis based on hard-computing strategies.

In Structural Health Monitoring, the classification of the cracks, the characteristic of the cracks and the intensity of the cracks can be measured by the Innovation methods (i.e Machine Learning, CNN, Image processing) and through Modern tools (UAVs, AUVs, and slow rate camera).

The mini symposium at ICCES2024 will provide an overview of the present thinking and state-of-the-art developments on the Application of Image Processing in Structural Health Monitoring. The proposed collection of papers will include the latest research work from scientists and engineers working in different areas of Image Processing, covering all of its aspects related to civil engineering.

The different topics include but are not limited to:
• Structural engineering
• Forensic analysis 
• Transportation engineering
• Computational mechanics
• Structural health monitoring
• Engineering materials (concrete, steel, composite materials, etc)
• Concrete and Timber Inspections
• Railway Engineering


Afaq Ahmad
University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan
Junaid Mir
University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan

Nasim Shakouri
The University of Memphis, USA

Data-driven intelligent algorithm has been an innovation for structural health monitoring for critical infrastructure projects, including but not limited to high-rise buildings, long-span bridges, underground transportation systems, lifeline structures, ocean platforms, nuclear power plants, etc., and will play a crucial role in the concept of Construction 4.0. This topic revolves around the latest progress made in the application of big data and AI for structural health monitoring. We welcome submissions from numerical simulation, laboratory experiments, and engineering applications of recent advances in sensor technologies and data acquisition systems, AI-based methods for damage identification, the integration of Digital Twin, computer vision, and other related technologies in structural health monitoring.

  • Structural health monitoring
  • Smart sensors
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Data-driven
  • Machine learning
  • Deep learning
  • Artificial neural network
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Digital Twin
  • Computer vision
  • Construction 4.0
  • Damage identification


Zhengzheng Wang
Dalian University of Technology, China
Xiaomeng Ge
TSA Group, Inc., Dallas, USA
With the rapid development of computer and artificial intelligence-related technologies, machine vision technology has been widely used in various fields, such as the use of vision technology for product, machining or assembly quality inspection, the perception of static or dynamic environment, the measurement of structure and cracks. The symposium will be organized around, but is not limited to, the following topics: image processing, theoretical graphing and graphical computation, machine vision and deep learning, defect detection, crack and life prediction, dimensional measurement and robotics. we will bring together researchers, industry experts, and technology enthusiasts to discuss the key technologies in machine vision and its applications, such as graphical computation, experiment and its expanded application in machine vision and robotics, and discuss the technical application of engineering measurement, product detection, motion attitude control, welding seam inspection, material crack recognition and related experiments involved in the industrial field. Additionally, technical discussions on ultrasonic imaging, magneto-optical imaging and other techniques for detecting internal defects or structures based on graphical computation and computer vision theory will be carried out. We welcome submissions from machine vision, defect detection, dimensional measurement, neural network modeling, mechanical fracture automatic detection, and other related computation and experiments to this topic.

Theoretical graphics, machine vision, computer vision, robotics, deep learning, defect detection, dimensional measurement, CNN, network modeling, computation and experiments


Pengfei Zheng
Xingzhi College Zhejiang Normal University, China
Jingjing Lou
Shenyang Jianzhu University, China
Composite structures have excellent damage tolerance, outstanding structural efficiency, and good design ability, which is widely used in aerospace structural components. With the improvement of equipment performance, the health monitoring of Composite structure is increasingly becoming a topic of concern. Because of the complexity of composites design and the diversity of composite materials, its failure mechanism is very complex, and its reliability analysis is faced with great challenges. It involves not only such as layer angle and layer thickness, but also the influence of other parameters. Besides, the structural deformation monitor is an important factor developing the composite structure. Therefore, we need to carry out failure mechanism research, and quantify the uncertain factors of design, molding, machining, and assembly for composites, and then develop reliability analysis methods to improve the reliability of composite structures.

This Symposium will focus on: 
  • The failure behaviors and mechanical properties of composite structures 
  • Reliability analysis
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • New experimental techniques and theoretical studies 
  • Full-field strain and displacement measurements


Feng Zhang
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Feifei Zhao
Xidian University, China

Fan Yang
Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, China

Junqing Yin
Xi’an Polytechnic University, China

Over the past several decades, billions of people have participated in the Internet to exchange information. Increasing users brings increasing amount of privacy information on Internet. Simultaneously, privacy security becomes a big concern of Internet users.

To protect privacy information on Internet, traditional solutions are using cryptography to transform the plaintext information into incomprehensible ciphertext information which can only be decrypted by selected decryption keys’ owner. Cryptographic means protect privacy information from unauthorized decryption to understand the information content. However, the encrypted privacy information still reveals its existence on the Internet, which may cause potential privacy risks. Steganography offers a much different choice for privacy information protection. By embedding secret message into cover message, steganography can cover the existence of the secret message.

On the other hand, there are different types of privacy information on the Internet, including multimedia, text, and etc. With the developing of artificial intelligence, a lot of deep learning methods have been proposed to analyze Internet/Web big data to mine privacy information. Advanced artificial intelligence technologies including generative adversarial network and large language model have promoted AI based privacy information protection means to cope with these new challenges to user’s Internet privacy information.
This symposium is aimed at academic and industrial researchers interested in the privacy information protection methods, with a particular emphasis on novel and highly efficient methodologies that have the potential to be used in Internet applications.

Large language model privacy,
Multimedia privacy,
Cryptography for privacy,
Steganography and Steganalysis for privacy,
Watermarking for privacy,
Access Control for privacy,
Differential privacy,
Text analysis for privacy,
Social network analysis for privacy,
Secure data mining,
Federated learning for privacy,
Privacy-preserving information forensics.


Zhen Yang
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
Yongfeng Huang
Tsinghua University, China
In order to better realize structural functions (such as strength, stiffness, stability, durability, safety, etc.) or to meet new performance requirements (such as self-healing, green building, carbon footprint, intelligent construction, etc.), the research and development of new building materials and new structural forms in civil engineering (including buildings, roads, bridges, infrastructure, marine structures, etc) is becoming more and more important. The interdisciplinary engineering nature of computational and applied mechanics for emerging building materials and structures brings together the research interests of civil engineering, mechanics and materials science and engineering.

On the one hand, computational and applied mechanics play a key role in analyzing and evaluating the physical-mechanical properties and application performance of emerging building materials and structures. This will rely on the development of new testing techniques, new theoretical models, and new numerical and computational methods. On the other hand, after answering the questions of "how good it’s" and "why is it so good", computational and applied mechanics may play an important role in the prediction and design of new materials and structures, that is, to answer the question of "how can it be better". Therefore, this mini symposium hopes to collect the latest advances in computational mechanics and applied mechanics of emerging building materials and structures in both areas. We hope to attract and obtain the contributions across civil engineering, mechanics and materials science and engineering, among others, allowing for creating a multidisciplinary collection of innovative works and stimulating further discussions on these ground-breaking topics. Participants of this symposium are encouraged submit their extended conference papers to our Special Issue with the same title on Frontiers in Built Environment.

Computational mechanics; Applied mechanics; Emerging building materials and structures; Civil engineering; Materials science and engineering


Dong-Ming Li
Wuhan University of Technology, China
Zhangming Wu
Cardiff University, UK
Nature has long been an unparalleled source of inspiration for innovative solutions, and this symposium will explore how understanding biomechanical principles at various scales can pave the way for groundbreaking bio-inspired designs. This symposium aims to bring together researchers from diverse backgrounds ranging from physics, engineering, materials to biology and medicine to delve into the fascinating realm of multiscale biomechanics and its application in bio-inspired designs. Participants will gain insights into the latest advancements in multiscale biomechanics and bio-inspired design, fostering a collaborative environment for future research and innovation. By bridging the gap between biological principles and engineering applications, this symposium will pave the way for transformative solutions inspired by nature.

Abstracts are sought in areas described below but not limited to the following:
• Experimental methods in biomechanics
• Mechanobiology and cell mechanics
• Morphogenesis of biological systems at various length scales
• Theoretical and computational modeling of subcellular, cellular and tissue mechanics
• Mechanical characterization of biological materials and structures
• Design and fabrication of bio-inspired materials and structures for various applications


Changjin Huang
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Ruiguo Yang
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

Linfeng Xu
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Mechanics in microfluidics, nanofluidics and corresponding solid-liquid interfaces has advanced rapidly over the past several decades. It has become a cutting‐edge subject and has great application potential in biochemistry, human health, new energy, advanced materials, and so forth. From the perspective of hydrodynamics, on the one hand, fluidic devices enable us to obtain unprecedented ability to manipulate the microfluid and the transport of micro/nano particles in the fluid. On the other hand, micro/nano fluids show flow characteristics and laws different from those at the macro scale. In-depth exploration of related flow mechanisms and the fluid-solid interface is the premise and basis for realizing micro/nano flow and transport control. Thus, the topics of this symposium covers topics contributing to a better understanding of micro/nano-fluidic systems, solid-fluid interfaces, nanostructures and their mechanism and applications, also including the atomic and molecular level of material properties determined with specific surface analytical techniques and/or computational methods, as well as the processing of such structures. Potential topics of this mini-symposium include but are not limited to:

(1) Mechanics in surface engineering and functionalization of solid-fluid micro/nano-systems, including confined fluids
(2) Micro/nano-scale functional surfaces/interfaces and coatings for flow transport or fluid control
(3) Surface/interface nanotechnology and devices in micro/nanofluidic systems
(4) Mechanical properties of novel functional nanostructured materials (including low-d carbon) in fluid-solid coupled systems
(5) Novel computational method, and measurement & characterization technologies in micro/nano-fluidics
(6) Fundamental principles of micro- and nanoscale fluid phenomena like, flow, mass transport and reactions
(7) Motion behaviors of micro- and nanoscale droplets or bubbles on the nanostructured or functional surfaces
(9) Micro/nano-fluidic mechanism in lab-on-a-chip applications

Microfluidics; nanofluidics; solid-fluid interfaces; droplets; bubbles; flow transport; confined fluids; lab-on-a-chip


Zhong-Qiang Zhang
Jiangsu University, China
Jun Yin
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

Hongfei Ye
Dalian University of Technology, China

Dongshi Guan
Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Conducting thorough failure analysis and offering proactive prevention strategies are crucial for refining structural design and mitigating the risk of further failures in engineering structures. The in-service environment of advanced structures has evolved into a realm of increasing complexity, rendering the failure mechanisms more intricate. Consequently, failure analysis and prevention have transformed into multifaceted events within various disciplines. This symposium brings together researchers and engineers to unravel the complexities surrounding the failure analysis and prevention for engineering structures. Discussions will encompass cutting-edge research, innovative methodologies for failure analysis, comprehensive damage assessment, and strategies for failure prevention.
The topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
• Failure mechanisms
• Identification of failure causes
• Failure preventive action
• Damage characterization
• Structural integrity assessment
• Constitutive model
• Fracture analysis
• Contact fatigue
• Creep, fatigue, and creep-fatigue damage
• Corrosion and corrosion-fatigue problems

Failure causes, fatigue and fracture mechancis, failure of materials and structures, failure prevention


Biao Li
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Fei Shen
Tianjin University, China

Zhixin Zhan
Beihang University, China
Wave propagation in complex structures and media is central to numerous important engineering applications. For example, radar signal can be scattered by aerosol particles and reflected by aircrafts made with composites. The sound wave may excite the vibration of thin-walled structures, which in turn radiate additional sound waves. Seismic waves propagate in various geological and geometrical structures with heterogeneous physical properties (porosity, permeability, etc).

Wave propagation in complex structures and media is often accompanied with multi-field coupling effects. In addition, the interaction between waves and the matters or structures in the surrounding media is a process across different scales. Due to the complexity of the problem, a number of open questions still exist in modelling, simulation and experiments. Hence, advances should be made to deepen our understanding of this research field.

The aim of this session is to bring together original research articles and review articles highlighting recent advances of theoretical modelling, numerical simulation and laboratory experiments in wave propagation in complex structures and media. Research integrating physical simulation with data-driven techniques is particularly encouraged. We also encourage submissions that investigate advanced materials and smart structures related to wave propagation.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:
• Acoustic-structural interaction;
• Sound wave progation in metamaterials;
• Electromagnetics wave in composite structures;
• Novel theoretical model and experimental observations for wave propagation;
• Novel numerical simulation methods including maching learning techniques;
• Multi-scale and model order reduction techniques for real-time analysis.

Wave, Acoustics, Electromagnetics, Multi-physics


Haojie Lian
Taiyuan University of Technology, China
Leilei Chen
Huanghuai University, China
Metamaterials, designed for tunable and exotic properties, present a diverse range of advantages and applications. The design optimization and physical realization of these materials to achieve novel functionalities pose challenges due to complexity, multifunctionality requirements, fabrication constraints, interdisciplinary knowledge, non-linearity, and the inherently costly iterative process.

Although additive manufacturing offers considerable flexibility for prototyping and fabricating multifunctional metamaterial structural systems, ensuring manufacturing process quality to meet designed performance remains an essential concern. Limitations on process resolution, for small features, and on additive manufacturing machine size, for large metamaterial devices, are additional concerns.

Despite these challenges, recent advances in design parameterization, simulation strategies, AI, and additive manufacturing technology offer promising avenues for fabricating products tailored for critical applications. We invite paper submissions that explore metamaterials with a focus on design optimization, novel applications, and additive manufacturing, and other related topics. Presentations covering innovative advancements in these areas and their applications across various industries are particularly encouraged.

Metamaterials; Design optimization; Multi-functionalities; Additive manufacturing; Computer-Aided Design


Zhen-Pei Wang
Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore
David William Rosen
Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore

Yingjun Wang
South China University of Technology, China

Rob Hewson
Imperial College London, London, UK

Fengwen Wang
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Smart cities have emerged as a response to the increasing need to align our lives with sustainability objectives. As a result, these cities employ various strategies such as infrastructure development, innovation, and technology integration to improve the well-being of their residents.

This Special Issue underscores the state-of-the-art research in data science for smart cities. We encourage researchers to share their innovative solutions in various aspects of data analysis, data security and privacy, data mining, information fusion, knowledge discovery, information aggregation, and more.


Chien-Ming Chen
Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China
Saru Kumari
Ch. Charan Singh University, India

Lip Yee Por
University of Malaya, Malaysia

With the increasingly prominent issues of resources, environment and social pressures related to manufacturing, the research on the sustainability of manufacturing processes and management, especially sustainable scheduling, which plays a significant role in promoting the implementation of sustainable manufacturing, has attracted increasing attention. Fuzzy job shop scheduling problem is a discrete optimization problem with one or more optimization objectives. It is necessary to use intelligent optimization to solve this problem efficiently. However, the dynamic fuzzy nature of job-shop scheduling problem makes it difficult to design a targeted solution. On the premise of analyzing the present situation and characteristics of fuzzy scheduling problem, the report discusses the role and application prospect of intelligent method in fuzzy scheduling optimization and coordination, and analyzes its performance.

Keywords: Intelligent Optimization; Fuzzy scheduling; Evolutionary Computation; Swarm Intelligence


Gai-Ge Wang
Ocean University of China, China
Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has revolutionized the manufacturing industry by enabling the fabrication of complex geometries with unprecedented design flexibility. However, ensuring the quality and reliability of additively manufactured components remains a challenge due to the complex interplay between process parameters, microstructure evolution, and resulting properties. In this proposed symposium, we aim to bring together experts and researchers from academia and industry to discuss and share the latest advancements in multi-scale modeling of process/microstructure/properties for additive manufacturing. This symposium will provide a platform for researchers to present their work, exchange ideas, and foster collaborations in this rapidly evolving field. The symposium will cover a wide range of topic. The symposium will consist of oral presentations, poster sessions, and panel discussions, allowing participants to showcase their research, exchange insights, and engage in meaningful discussions on the challenges and opportunities in multi-scale modeling for additive manufacturing. We believe that this will contribute to the development of reliable and high-quality additive manufacturing processes, leading to breakthroughs in various industries such as aerospace, automotive, and healthcare.
The topics of interest are, but not limited to:
1. Macroscopic scale modeling
2. Mesoscopic scale modeling
3. Microscopic scale modeling
4. Atomic scale modeling
5. Multi-physics multi-scale numerical simulation methods for AM process 
6. Grain structure evolution modelling
7. Mechanical properties predictions 
8. Data-driven methods for AM processes modelling
9. Digital twin for AM 
10. Topological optimization for AM
11. Fracture and fatigue in AM
12. Experimental modeling


Wugui Jiang
Nanchang Hangkong University, China

Yanping Lian
Beijing Institute of Technology, China

Min Yi
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

The modeling of material failure and complex fracture has been a great challenge for the community of computational mechanics since the last century. In the aspect of the capability to describe discontinuities and discrete, non-local theories show their advantage compared to the classical continuum mechanics. This mini-symposium aims to gather academics and practitioners to present their ideas and potential solutions on emerging topics in theoretical modeling of diverse material failure using non-local theories, including but not limited to Peridynamics. Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
  • Peridynamic theory and models for material failure in extreme condition
  • Peridynamic theory and algorithm for complex fracture
  • Peridynamic theory and applications for beam, plate, and shells
  • Peridyanmic theory and its numerical implementation and commercialization
  • Peridynamics in relation to AI and machine learning
  • Coupling Peridynamics with Finite Element Method
  • Coupling Peridynamics with Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics
  • Coupling Peridynamics with Molecular Dynamics
  • Coupling Peridynamics with Continuum Mechanics
  • Coupling Peridynamics with Phase Field
  • Coupling Peridynamics with Lattice Boltzmann Method
  • Mathematical analysis
  • Mechanics of random media
  • Material model development
  • Multiphysics and chemistry
  • Microstructural evolution, materials processing, and grain growth
  • Modeling manufacturing processes

We seek a lively exchange of ideas about the topics/areas in modeling through experimental, theoretical, and computational procedures. Papers on all aspects of Peridynamics are welcome.

Keywords: Peridynamics theory, meshfree methods, modeling of material fracture


Xin Lai
Wuhan University of Technology, China
Fei Han
Dalian University of Technology, China
Yile Hu
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Zaixing Huang
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

Wenyang Liu
Hunan University, China

Linjuan Wang
Beihang University, China
Architected materials derive their properties from the selection of both their constitutive materials and the geometry of their micro- and meso-structures. Most existing architected materials are intrinsically passive, with shape and properties fixed once manufactured. This limits their applications in areas where structure adaptivity and tunability are required. Inspired by nature, intelligent materials and structures have emerged to combine multifunctionalities within integrated bodies, such as shape-morphing, stiffness-variation, multi-stability, self-sensing, mechanical computation, information storage, etc. In addition, these intelligent structures can be realized with emerging advanced manufacturing techniques such as 3D/4D printing.

This symposium focuses on cutting-edge research on the latest progress in multifunctional intelligent materials and structures and their advanced manufacturing, combining theoretical, computational, and experimental methods. We welcome submissions in the areas, but are not limited to:

• shape morphing and deployable structures.
• instability-based structures such as bi-stability and multi-stability.
• non-linear behavior of materials and structures.
• adaptive, reconfigurable, self-healing materials and structures.
• additive manufacturing of multifunctional structures.
• structures with tunable mechanical properties.
• stimuli-responsive materials and structures.
• programmable and in-situ activated structures.
• functional structures for robotic applications.
• manufacturing of sustainable materials and structures.

Keywords: Advanced Manufacturing, Multifunctional Materials, Intelligent Structures


Yifan Wang
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Zhai Wei
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Hortense Le Ferrand
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Mingchao Liu
University of Birmingham, UK

Intelligent technologies of additive manufacturing are proving to be a powerful tool in various applications, e.g., process planning, online monitoring and control, and in-situ non-destructive testing/evaluation. Such capabilities hold great promise to significantly improve the productivity, repeatability, and reproducibility of the additive manufacturing process and unlock its complete design freedom for product innovation. This symposium will report the latest progress in aspects of AM techniques, such as new AM processes and systems, process control and development, in-situ process monitoring, intelligent process optimization, characterization and qualification of AM products, process-structure-property relationships, multi-sensor fusion and AI-assisted diagnosis and decision making, non-destructive testing/evaluation in online or offline manner.

The aim of this special session is to bring together the research community into a common forum for identifying key challenges and opportunities, sharing state-of-the-art research, and advancing intelligent additive manufacturing related research. Both original research and review works are welcome.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:
Submissions that reflect the Conference Scope and current state of the field are welcome in areas including but not limited to:

Artificial intelligence/ machine learning/data science in AM

Advanced diagnosis, in-situ monitoring and control for AM

Digital design and complex path planning for AM

Non-destructive testing/evaluation technique for AM

Multi-sensor fusion and AI-assisted diagnosis and decision fusion strategies

Quality control and reliability engineering of AM

Intelligent AM product and service, e.g., crowdsourcing, distributed manufacturing, concurrent fabrication

Cyber-physical AM system with data- and physics-driven approach

Emerging AM technologies, e.g., robotic/ multi-axis AM, hybrid AM, extreme additive manufacturing, big-area additive manufacturing


Shangqin Yuan
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Yiwei Weng
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
Yi Xiong
Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Xudong Yu
Beihang University, China

Ming Huang
Imperial College London, UK

The load carrying capacity of thin-walled structures is known to be significantly influenced by stability aspects such as buckling. A reliable prediction of buckling phenomena requires a robust, efficient and accurate analysis tool and consideration of a number of inherent structural imperfections which often dominate the overall non-linear elastic response. The reliable prediction of buckling includes both critical load, instability deformation, secondary branches and imperfection sensitivities or any combination thereof and calls for sophisticated numerical methods which allow to assess the various physical responses during tracing the equilibrium path of structural buckling. Furthermore, robustness, accuracy and computational efficiency are key factors for an innovative and sustainable thin-walled structural design which exploits the full lightweight potential. Besides, experimental investigations are essential for the evaluation of the accuracy of the numerical methods.

This mini-symposium aims at bringing together researchers from across the structural buckling community to discuss and exchange latest achievements in the field of novel numerical methods for buckling analysis and design of thin-walled structure research, as well as the shell buckling experiments. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to computational and algorithmic aspects of the analytical and semi-analytical methods, reduced-order modeling methods, finite element methods, isogeometric analysis, composite materials and optimization methods, experimental methods, for buckling of thin-walled structures.


Yujie Guo
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
Ke Liang
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Zhi Hong
Hangzhou Dianzi University, China

Zhaowei Liu
Hohai University, China

Unconventional oil/gas resources have become significant contributors to global hydrocarbon production in the past two decades and continue to grow in importance for the next few decades. Due to the complex pore structures and geological storage in unconventional rocks, it remains challenging to describe and model multiphase flow and transport in unconventional reservoirs. Therefore, new multiscale, multiphase, and multiphysics transport modelling methods are being continuously developed to describe these complex flows within them.

This Symposium aims to cover the recent advances and challenges for modelling flow and transport for unconventional reservoirs, including shale gas/oil, coal seam gas, tight gas/oil, gas hydrate, etc. Papers that apply cutting-edge technologies and novel techniques to investigate flow and transport in unconventional reservoirs, case studies, and comprehensive overviews are all welcome.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:
• Reservoir characterization
• New simulation methods
• Multiphase flow
• Multiscale modelling
• Multiphysics modelling
• immiscible flow
• Rock–fluid interface interactions
• Pore network modelling/Lattice Boltzmann modelling
• Machine learning and big data applications for unlocking new insights in unconventional reservoirs production


Jianchao Cai
China University of Petroleum (Beijing), China
Tao Zhang
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Han Wang
China University of Petroleum (Beijing), China

Yuxuan Xia
China University of Petroleum (Beijing), China

Multiscale structural optimization aims to integrate the design of the macrostructure and underlying microstructures concurrently, to fully explore design space and achieve superior structural performance. It provides a new choice and opportunity for designing cellular structures with ultra-light weight and excellent performance.

Potential topics in this symposium for submissions include but are not limited to:
1. Multiscale structural (size, shape, and topology) optimization
2. Multiscale structural optimization of metamaterials/composites
3. Multiphysics multiscale structural optimization
4. Robust multiscale structural optimization
5. Multiscale structural optimization for additive manufacturing
6. High-efficient multiscale analysis/multiscale structural optimization
7. Data-driven multiscale structural optimization
8. Multiscale structural optimization for practical applications


Mi Xiao
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Zongliang Du
Dalian University of Technology, China

Jie Gao
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Yan Zhang
Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China

The past decades have witnessed the increasing applications of composite materials in a wide range of engineering disciplines, thanks to their large strength-to-weight ratio as load-carrying materials and multi-functions with the incorporation of smart phases. Recent progress in manufacturing such as 3D printing has further provided us with a large freedom to design advanced composite structures. Therefore, it is critically important to conduct systematic investigations in different aspects for composites to understand and make the best use of the advanced materials. This symposium aims to gather researchers and graduate students with different scientific discipline backgrounds to discuss the latest research in theoretical modeling, design optimization, experiment investigation, etc. Authors are cordially invited to share their cutting-edge research related to advanced composite materials in the following aspects (but not limited to):
(1) Micromechanics theory
(2) Multiscale modeling
(3) Multiphysics modeling
(4) Design optimization
(5) Experimental test
(6) Additive manufacturing

Keywords: Composites; Multiscale modeling; Multiphysics modeling; Micromechanics; Design optimization; 3D printing; Experiment investigation


Zhelong He
Hunan University, China
Guannan Wang
Zhejiang University, China

Qiang Chen
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Yabin Yang
Sun Yat-sen University, China

Wenqiong Tu
Jiangsu University, China

This special issue focuses on the optimization design and simulation of advanced polymer/metal matrix composites at various length scales, ranging from nano/molecular to full product/structure level. The research should target mechanical issues and performance of advanced composites and structures, with emphasize on the application and development of novel numerical methods and simulation tools, such as molecule dynamics, phase field method, peridynamics, and advanced finite element methods, etc. The key areas of interest include all aspects related to design, validation, characterization and testing of composite materials, including but not limit to nanocomposites, structural and functional composites, novel composite material concepts, and also green and bio-based composites.

  • Multi-scale modelling of composites and structures
  • Damage and failure modeling of composites
  • Phase-field, peridynamic, and finite element method
  • Data-driven structural optimization
  • Ceramic/metal/polymer matrix composites
  • Woven or fabric composites
  • Functional and smart composite materials
  • Novel composite material concepts
  • Biomimetics and bio-based composites
  • Multi-physics failure analysis of composites


Liang Wang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Jingran Ge
Beijing Institute of Technology, China

Zhi Sun
Dalian University of Technology, China

Wu Xu
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Zhengmao Yang
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Zhaoyang Ma
Shanghai University, China
Structural optimization design can minimize the objective under the prescribed constraint condition, which provides a powerful tool for practical engineering application. The existing structural optimization design methods include the size optimization, shape optimization, and topology optimization. The complex engineering problem is always large-scale, nonlinear, time-consuming and high dimension, which incurs huge challenges. Thus, proposing the efficiency, larges-scale, stability, and accuracy method is the eternal pursuit in structural optimization field.

Multiple-source uncertainties exist widely exist in the engineering structure, including the service environment, boundary condition, and manufacturing process. Most optimization design and identification methods are developed by using the deterministic assumption. This ignores the essence of uncertain behavior, which limits the application of engineering application. Based on the uncertain assumption, the uncertain optimization design and identification of loads and defects methods are developed, such as probabilistic optimization method, non-probabilistic optimization method, fuzzy optimization method, and hybrid optimization method.

This symposium focuses on cutting-edge research on the latest progress in structural optimization design method and their advanced manufacturing, combining theoretical, computational, and experimental methods. We welcome submissions in the areas, but are not limited to:

  • Size optimization
  • Shape optimization
  • Topology optimization
  • Reliability-based optimization design
  • Robust optimization design
  • Advanced optimization method for engineering application
  • Additive manufacturing
  • Probabilistic optimization design
  • Non-probabilistic optimization design
  • Fuzzy optimization design
  • Data-driven uncertain optimization design
  • Parametric inversion
  • Identification of load or defect with uncertain


Zeng Meng
Hefei University of Technology, China
Peng Hao
Dalian University of Technology, China

Bo Yu
Hefei University of Technology, China
Additive manufacturing is a disruptive technology for future advanced manufacturing of metal products with design flexibility, part complexity and versatile functionalities. Representative processes of metal additive manufacturing include powder bed fusion, directed energy deposition, binder jetting, and sheet lamination, and will be further developed toward hybrid additive and subtractive manufacturing, multiple energy sources aided manufacturing, and large-scale manufacturing techniques in the future. The rapid advances in metal additive manufacturing have allowed the fabrication of materials and structures for multiple functions. The growing functional metal additive manufacturing brings enormous opportunities and challenges for academic and industrial applications.

This symposium aims at providing new ideas and presenting latest advances on metal additive manufacturing of materials and structures, with a particular emphasis for multifunctional applications. Potential topics include, but not limited to:
-Metal additive manufacturing of advanced functional materials
-Design and additive manufacturing of multifunctional metallic structures
-New methodologies, processes, and systems for functional metal additive manufacturing
-High-throughput materials design and intelligent control for metal additive manufacturing
-Computation and simulation in metal additive manufacturing
-Recent advances in the multifunctional application of metal additive manufacturing

Keywords: Metal additive manufacturing, multifunctional applications, functional materials, functional structures


Changjun Han
South China University of Technology, China
Kun Li
Chongqing University, China

Cang Zhao
Tsinghua University, China

Xipeng Tan
National University of Singapore, Singapore

Yuanbo Tony Tang
University of Birmingham, UK

Chengde Gao
Central South University, China

The mini-symposium delves into the versatile applications of phase-field modeling. Focused on mechanics, the symposium highlights key areas including sintering, additive manufacturing, energy materials such as lithium-ion batteries, corrosion, and fracture. In materials processing, phase-field modeling revolutionizes our understanding of processes like sintering and additive manufacturing, allowing for the optimization of manufacturing conditions and the design of advanced materials with tailored properties. The symposium also delves into the intricate electro-chemo-mechanics of energy materials and corrosion, utilizing phase-field modeling to virtually investigate the dynamic evolution of phases, interfaces, and defects during interfacial reactions. Furthermore, the application of phase-field modeling extends to the study of fracture mechanics, providing insights into the initiation and propagation of cracks in materials and structures. As researchers continue to push the boundaries of phase-field modeling, the symposium anticipates further advancements in understanding the mechanics of materials and structures across various scales, offering a platform for collaborative discussions and the exchange of innovative ideas in this dynamic field.


Qingcheng Yang
Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics & Shanghai University, China
Ying Zhao
Tongji University, China

Yongxing Shen
University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute, China
Advanced functional materials may possess one or multiple outstanding properties in mechanical, thermal, magnetic, electrical or electrochemical behaviors. These materials, usually in the form of crystals, ceramics, alloys, polymers, nanostructured materials, etc., inherit their unique physical properties from the microstructures formed at the meso- or nano-scale. Typical examples are piezoelectric, ferroelectric, magnetic, multiferroic, superconducting, semiconducting, photovoltaic, thermoelectric, shape memory materials, electro-magneto-active polymers, smart hydrogen gels, and electrochemically-active solids, which have been receiving an increasing research interest. They exhibit potential applications in various fields and are playing an important role in the present and future developments of science and technology. The microstructures and multifield coupling behaviors in the advanced functional materials are the key to underpin their multifunctional behaviors and to directly determine their applications.

To promote the research on the intrinsic microstructures and multifield coupling effects of advanced functional materials, this symposium is set to demonstrate the state-of-the-art development and application of novel methods in studying the advanced functional materials' microstructures and multifield coupling behaviors. We welcome abstracts from a wide spectrum of topics on the multifield coupling behaviors of advanced functional materials, including but not limited to the following:

1. Theory of microstructures or multifield coupling behaviors of advanced functional materials;
2. Phase field simulations of microstructures or multifield coupling behaviors of advanced functional materials;
3. Analysis of microstructures or multifield coupling behaviors of advanced functional materials;
4. Multiscale simulations of microstructures or multifield coupling behaviors of advanced materials;
5. Mechanics in microstructures or multi-field coupling behaviors;
6. Novel computational methods for advanced functional materials;
7. Novel experimental methods for advanced functional materials;
8. Novel approaches in manufacturing of advanced functional materials;
9. Devices and systems based on the microstructures or multifield coupling of advanced functional materials;
10. 3D-printing, 4D-printing, or additive manufacturing technology for advanced functional materials with multifield coupling effects;
11. Artificial intelligence methods for study of multifield coupling behaviors of advanced functional materials.

Keywords: Phase field; microstructure, advanced functional material, multifield coupling; applied mechanics


Yu Su
Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Jie Wang
Zhejiang University, China

Yunya Liu
Xiangtan University, China
Chi Hou Lei
Saint Louis University, USA

In modern engineering applications, heterogeneous materials and structures are often exposed to complex and extremely severe environments such as ultra-high or strong temperature fluctuations or cycles, posing significant challenges. Meanwhile, certain nonlinear mechanisms stem from nonuniform thermal variations or induced thermal stresses at the microscale due to material heterogeneities. Consequently, research on nonlinear multi-physics coupling issues within heterogeneous composites featuring random/periodic micro-configurations has garnered widespread attention from scientists and engineers. To facilitate the exchange of cutting-edge research findings and innovative ideas within this field, we have organized this mini-symposium. Our objective is to provide a platform where researchers engaged in multiscale and multiphysics modeling and simulation can convene, discuss, and share their insights. The scope of this mini-symposium is extensive and encompasses a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:
  • Molecular dynamics and other molecular simulation methods for mechanics and materials
  • Molecular simulation coupled with continuum simulation
  • Reduced homogenization and multiscale methods for the nonlinear heterogeneous materials
  • Multiscale and multiphysics simulation for problems under extreme conditions
  • High-order multiscale methods for the heterogeneous materials
  • Data driven multiscale methods for the heterogeneous materials
  • Coupling methods of multiscale and other methods (phase fields, peridynamics, SPH method, material point method, etc.)
  • Advanced modeling methods for complex structures
  • Other topics related to multiscale and multiphysics modeling and simulation

Keywords: Nonlinear multiscale method, multiphysics fields, nonlinear problems, reduced homogenization, heterogeneous materials and structures


Zifeng Yuan
Peking University, China
Zhiqiang Yang
Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Sheng Mao
Peking University, China
Shaoqiang Tang
Peking University, China
The field of materials science is experiencing a transformative shift through the integration of Materials Genome Engineering (MGE) and advanced data-driven methodologies. This symposium focuses on the development of materials achieved by applying MGE and data-driven approaches, aiming to expedite the discovery, design, and optimization of novel materials with enhanced properties and functionalities. The symposium is dedicated to achievements in theoretical, experimental, and modeling studies on MGE and data-driven methodologies, emphasizing new experimental and numerical techniques, novel physical insights, the incorporation of advanced equipment, and applications. It showcases recent advances in computation, experiment, and modeling within this field.

We are particularly seeking research on materials design, high-throughput experiments and calculations, multi-physics and multi-scale simulations, materials informatics, and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning methods. The symposium will cover topics of interest, including but not limited to: 
1. Materials design and composition optimization
2. High-throughput experiments and calculations
3. Machine learning and artificial intelligence in accelerating materials development
4. Materials database and its application
5. Multi-physics, multi-scale and integrated simulations

Keywords: Materials Genome Engineering; High-throughput experiments; Data-driven methodologies
Materials design; Machine learning and artificial intelligence; Multi-physics and multi-scale simulations


Lan Huang
Central South University, China
Feng Liu
Central South University, China
Yang Tong
Yantai University, China

Liming Tan
Central South University, China

Cyberspace has become the second type of living space for human production and life, which is related to all aspects of economy, culture, scientific research, education, and social life, and has become an important foundation for national development. With the rapid development of network technology, the types of resources in cyberspace are becoming increasingly diverse, including not only traditional hardware and software infrastructure such as devices and logical topologies, but also dynamic and ever-changing virtual resources such as network users and application services. Traditional network measurement techniques are no longer sufficient to fully characterize the characteristics of cyberspace, and the development of cyberspace resource mapping technology is urgent.

Cyberspace mapping is the entire process of detecting, analyzing, and drawing various virtual and real resources and their attributes in the network space. The specific content includes: obtaining physical resources such as network exchange devices and access devices, as well as virtual resources such as information content, users, and services and their network attributes through network detection, collection, or mining technologies. By designing effective positioning algorithms and correlation analysis methods, physical resources are mapped to geographic space, virtual resources are mapped to social space, and the detection and mapping results are visualized and presented. Draw maps of cyberspace, geographic space, and social space to create a dynamic, real-time, and reliable virtual and dynamic map of cyberspace resources. The goal of cyberspace mapping is to achieve comprehensive surveying and mapping of various types and sources of internet resources, involving a variety of technologies. This symposium will be organized around the following themes: network situational awareness, user location awareness, network entity localization/anti-localization, network topology analysis, network public opinion analysis, network account alignment, network landmark mining and evaluation, virtual resource discovery, analysis of target network structure characteristics, network landmark mining and evaluation, network security knowledge graph construction and application, etc. We will explore key issues such as how to efficiently and accurately detect and identify cyberspace resources and their attributes, how to achieve precise mapping between cyberspace and geographic space, and how to achieve precise correlation between cyberspace and social space. Specifically, potential themes include but are not limited to:

1. New models and methods in cyberspace mapping
2. Cyberspace data collection and analysis
3. Multimedia encryption and forensic
4. Covert communication for new network scenarios
5. Privacy protection and digital forensics
6. Cyberspace situational understanding
7. Machine learning, data mining, and information retrieval for network relationship understanding
8. Network situational assessment and prediction
9. Visualization and interaction method of cyberspace situation
10. Possible threat judgment and early warning in cyberspace
11. Construction of cyberspace security knowledge graph
12. New models and methods for network entity localization and anti-localization
13. Discovery and early warning of online public opinion
14. Network event discovery and localization

Keywords: Cyberspace mapping; Situational awareness; Cyberspace data collection and analysis; Cyberspace situational understanding; Network possible threat warning


Xiangyang Luo
State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing, China
Chunfang Yang
China Key Laboratory of Cyberspace Situation Awareness of Henan Province, China
Yaqiong Qiao
North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, China
Yi Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing, China
Key Laboratory of Cyberspace Situation Awareness of Henan Province, China
The demand for lightweight materials in the fields of transportation, biomedicine, aerospace, etc. is fueling the rapid development of the manufacturing technologies of continuous carbon fiber-reinforced composites, ceramics, metal cellular lattices, as well as, metamaterials. The introduction of new materials and structures can realize functions such as deformability, acoustic stealth, optical chirality, and electro-mechanical conversion. The possibility of simultaneously tailoring several desired properties is attractive but very challenging, and it requires significant advancements in the science and technology of composite materials.

Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology uses the gradual accumulation of materials to manufacture physical parts, which is a "bottom-up" manufacturing method. Due to the "dimensionality reduction manufacturing" in the slicing process, the technology breaks through many limitations of traditional processing methods. In recent years, the use of additive technology to prepare lightweight materials represented by carbon fiber-reinforced composite materials, silicon carbide ceramics and metal cellular lattices has been accepted by the industry, and it has become a trend to manufacture lightweight functional structures with acoustic, optical, and electromagnetic properties through additive manufacturing.

This symposium will report the most recent progress in various aspects of additively manufactured Lightweight materials and structures, such as innovative design principles and methods of lightweight functional materials, performance optimization and structural characterization, new AM process and equipment, functional structure and intelligent components in online or offline manner. The aim of this session is to capture the research community into a common forum to identify key challenges and opportunities, share state-of-the-art research, and promote advancements in research related to additively manufactured lightweight materials and structures. Both original research and review works are welcome.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:
• Emerging and Innovative AM technologies for lightweight materials and structures fabrication
• Design and optimization of novel lightweight materials and structures for AM 
• Microstructure and properties characterization of additively manufactured lightweight materials and structures
• Simulation analysis on the additive manufacturing process and performances of lightweight materials and structures
• Intelligent control and algorithms for additive manufacturing of lightweight materials and structures
• Application research of additive manufacturing lightweight materials, including continuous carbon fiber reinforced composites, ceramics, polymers, Light metal, etc.
• Application research of additive manufacturing lightweight structures, including Biomimetic structures, biological structures, metastructures, etc.
• 4D-printing lightweight materials and structures to achieve controlled changes in shapes, performances and functions.


Chunze Yan
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Xin Lin
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Dongdong Gu
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
Yong He
Zhejiang University, China

Zhirong Liao
University of Nottingham, UK

Lei Yang
Wuhan University of Technology, China

This symposium is aimed to be a forum for discussing the recent progresses in the fields of BIE/BEM and other mesh reduction methods. Researchers from all fields around the world are cordially invited to participate in this symposium. Presentations dealing with aspects of the BIE/BEM formulations, solution methods, innovated new formulations and applications are welcome. Topics will include, but are not limited to:

* New discretization and fast solution methods in BIE/BEM (such as IAG, fast direct solvers, fast multipole methods, ACA methods, and others);
* BIE/BEM combined with innovated new multi-scale methods such as molecular dynamics (MD), peridynamics (PD) and phase-field methods;
* Machine learning (ML) or PINN with the BIE/BEM and other mesh reduction methods;
* Green’s functions and applications;
* Large-scale, multi-scale and multi-physics modeling using the BIE/BEM;
* Modeling of heat transfer, acoustic, elastodynamic, electromagnetic waves and applications in designing various metamaterials using the BIE/BEM;
* Fracture and fatigue analysis using the BIE/BEM with other approaches;
* Software development and industrial applications of the BIE/BEM and related methods.

Keywords: Boundary integral equation (BIE); Boundary element method (BEM); IAG BEM; Fast direct solvers; Fast multipole methods; ACA methods; Machine learning with BIE/BEM; Coupling of BEM with Peridynamics


Yijun Liu
Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Xiaowei Gao
Dalian University of Technology, China
Jianming Zhang
Hunan University, China
Zhuojia Fu
Hohai University, China
Yang Yang
Shenzhen MSU-BIT University, China
Shipbuilding and ocean engineering is a comprehensive engineering technology oriented to marine development, marine utilization and marine protection, which is of great significance to national economic development and modernization of national defense construction. It involves many mechanized equipment, which are supported by multi-disciplines such as manufacturing, structural design, artificial intelligence, environmental survey, automation and automatic control. Numerical calculation, simulation experiments and manufacturing are important components in marine engineering and key technologies to solve practical problems, and they finally make it possible to understand the ocean.

Recognizing the growing importance and interest of numerical calculation, principle experiment and manufacturing in ocean engineering, ICCES will issue an innovative research paper on advanced computing methods and more efficient algorithms. At the same time, we particularly welcome comments describing the current state of technology.

Keywords: marine mechanized equipment, structural design, artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing, experimental processing, engineering calculation, automatic control and automation


Dongyan Shi
Harbin Engineering University, China
Zhixun Yang
Harbin Engineering University, China
Jiaqi Huang
Harbin Engineering University, China
The inverse problem, encompassing the inference of model parameters from observations, stands as a pivotal challenge across diverse fields. However, the intrinsic ill-posed nature of the inverse problem, coupled with the presence of noise in measurements, renders its resolution a highly formidable task. Within this symposium, our focus is dedicated to advancing the discourse on the investigation of inverse problems within the domain of engineering. The symposium aims to serve as a platform for the development and exchange of ideas, methodologies, and innovations addressing the complexities associated with solving inverse problems.

Topics to be considered are related to the different challenges posed by inverse problems, such as:
  • optimization based inverse approaches
  • model fitting against uncertain experimental results
  • uniqueness of identified parameters
  • uncertainty quantification in inverse problems
  • full-field strain and displacement measurements
  • digital image/volume correlation techniques
  • in vivo identification using medical imaging
  • virtual fields method (VFM)
  • regularization methods
  • data-driven surrogate models for inverse identification
  • physics-informed machine learning to solve inverse problems


Yue Mei
Dalian University of Technology, China
Yiqian He
Dalian University of Technology, China
Jie Liu
Hunan University, China

Minliang Liu
Texas Tech University, USA

Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems encompass a broad and complex field of study where fluid dynamics and structural mechanics intersect. Solving the non-linear and multi-physics coupling nature requires knowledge of both fluid and solid mechanics. Thanks to the powerful high-performance computing and booming experimental techniques for FSI, we have evidenced tremendous achievements in experiments and numerical simulation in many scientific fields and applications. Those developments also facilitate the establishment of new theories that account for the newly revealed phenomena. This symposium aims to share cutting-edge research on FSI among scientists and engineers and to promote novel theories, and advanced experimental and computational methods. Topics of interest of this symposium include, but are not limited to,
  • Advances in theories, models, and numerical methods for FSI problems.
  • Multi-physics and multi-scale coupling modeling for FSI problems.
  • Damage and fracture of heterogeneous materials in FSI problems.
  • Machine learning enhanced computational methods for FSI problems.
  • Advanced experimental techniques for FSI problems.

Keywords: Fluid-structure interaction, Numerical methods, Damage and fracture, Multi-physics, Machine learning, Theory, Experimental technique


A-Man Zhang
Harbin Engineering University, China
Shiping Wang
Harbin Engineering University, China
Qingyun Zeng
Harbin Engineering University, China
Shaofei Ren
Harbin Engineering University, China

Zhifan Zhang
Dalian University of Technology, China

Pengnan Sun
Sun Yat-Sen University, China

Xiao Huang
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Wenbin Wu
Ocean University of China, China

Qi Zhang
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

In recent years, there are an increase in demands requiring materials and structures to be designed to withstand harsh environments, such as extreme high and low temperatures, high-speed impacts, high density of power and electric current. The harsh applications anticipate satisfactory service reliability of structures, which nevertheless are challenging to be investigated experimentally at unaffordable cost. This provides the opportunities to perform refined numerical simulations or analysis to evaluate the reliability and performance of structures with sufficiently accurate material models and numerical algorithms in the harsh environments.

We initiate this Symposium to report and discuss recent progress in various aspects of extreme mechanics by emphasizing mechanical behaviour and reliability of advanced engineering materials and structures for harsh applications in different areas and sectors. This Symposium welcomes original research and review articles on all aspects of advanced materials and structures with the knowledge and understanding of the processes and mechanisms that induce deterioration or damage/failure to predict reliability and improve structural performance. Topics of interest include (but not limit to):

• Constitutive models of materials in extreme loading applications
• Novel materials with outstanding thermal, mechanical or electrical properties
• Thermal management by advanced technology
• Life prediction models and failure analysis
• New experimental methods to evaluate constitutive behaviour
• Reliability tests
• Machine learning algorithms and applications
• New numerical algorithms to analyze extreme loading problems

Keywords: Extreme mechanics; service reliability; advanced materials and structures; harsh applications


Xu Long
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Yutai Su
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Baoping Zou
Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, China
Kim S Siow
National University of MalaysiaMalaysia
The “Developing 3D bioinspired architectures with cells for enhanced tissue regeneration” symposium represents a pioneering step in tissue engineering, focusing on the integration of cutting-edge biomaterials, 3D fabrication techniques, and selectively chosen living cells to develop large-scale, sophisticated tissue constructs. These constructs are engineered to facilitate critical biological functions—cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration—resulting in tissues that integrate seamlessly with the host. This event delves deep into the principles governing cell behavior and the organization of cells within biomaterials to replicate the complex structure of native tissues. Targeting a diverse audience of experts in stem cells, biomaterials, bioprinting, and 3D cell culture, the symposium aligns with ICCES2024's themes such as Biomedical Engineering. It aims to spark profound discussions and foster interdisciplinary collaboration, potentially revolutionizing regenerative medicine and tissue engineering by inspiring new research and groundbreaking innovations.

Keywords: 3D printing, biofabrication, tissue engineering


Qi Gu
Beijing Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine | Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Tong Cao
Zhejiang Lab for Regenerative Medicine, Vision and Brain Health, China
Advances in welding and joining stimulates the development of new material, new structure, new welding technology and new joining technology and results in the synergistic mix of multi-materials with high mechanical properties and low height, the synergistic of functionally graded materials, the cost reduction of huge and complex components, the increase productivity, quality, reliability and safety, and manufacturing complex geometrical configurations, the intelligent processing technology. Moreover, the operational environment of welding and joint components becomes much more complex, such as residual stress and deformation, high local stress concentration, fatigue, fracture, creep, corrosion etc., and in turn requires to enhance the scientific research and engineering applications of welding & joining technology. This session aims to provide a platform for discussing the recent developments of welding and joining among researchers and industrial partners.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:
Submissions that reflect the Conference Scope and Current state of the field are welcome in areas including but not limited to:
  • Welding processes and metallurgy
  • Quality, safety, and reliability
  • Structural integrity for welded components servicing in complex environment
  • Modeling and simulation for welding and joining
  • Intelligent welding manufacturing technique and monitoring technique
  • Artificial intelligence/ machine learning/data science in welding and joining
  • Multi-material welding and processing
  • Functionally graded material manufacturing and processing
  • Artificial intelligence/ machine learning/data science in welding and joining
  • Hybrid welding and hybrid additive manufacturing
  • Micro-nano joining and advanced beam welding techniques


Lianyong Xu
Tianjin University, China
In 1921, Griffith laid the foundation of fracture mechanics in his legendary paper titled “The phenomena of rupture and flow in solids” in Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. The field of Fracture Mechanics has then flourished and mechanicians play an essential role in safeguarding the reliability of engineering structures. We see nowadays the application of fracture mechanics spanning from a wide range of industries including Aerospace, Marine & Offshore, Precision Engineering, Microelectronic and Biomedical industries, and so on.
Researchers are shedding light on fracture process on different temporal and spatial scales, for emerging materials and novel engineering systems. We therefore expect fracture related research advances may continue to play an important role in addressing the key 21st century issues of sustainable development. In this symposium we solicit coherent discussions on up-to-date achievements in Fracture Mechanics and perspectives shaping its future.


Yujie Wei
The State Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics (LNM), Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Additive manufacturing (AM) offers tremendous design flexibility and facilitates a transformative shift toward performance- and function-driven manufacturing for engineering and functional components. Advanced polymers and composites that enable combination of material properties to create high-performance and multi-functional materials, have gained popularity in both research and industry and find extensive applications across various sectors such as aerospace, automotive, energy, and biomedical domains. The realm of polymer/composite additive manufacturing encompasses various techniques, including vat photopolymerization, powder bed fusion, material extrusion, and materials jetting. In recent years, this field has been witnessing a rapid evolution with the emergence of numerous innovative technologies, advanced materials, design and simulation methodologies, as well as structural and functional applications.

This symposium focuses on cutting-edge research on the latest progress in additive manufacturing of advanced polymers and composites. We encourage submissions that explore the breadth and depth of this dynamic field, including but are not limited to:

  • High-performance polymer and composite additive manufacturing such as developments in heat-resistant polymers and composites, and advances in materials offering exceptional mechanical performance and durability.
  • Multi-functional polymer and composite additive manufacturing such as innovations in thermally and/or electrically conductive materials, exploration of stimuli-responsive polymers, and advances in biocompatible and biodegradable composites.
  • Emerging advanced polymer additive manufacturing technologies such as Breakthroughs in volumetric additive manufacturing, progress in high-speed sintering and multi-materials printing and integration of nanotechnology in polymer additive manufacturing.
  • Advanced characterization techniques for additively manufactured polymers and composites, such as novel methods in microstructural analysis and property evaluation of additively manufactured polymers and composites, and breakthroughs in in-situ monitoring and quality control during the AM process.
  • Computation and simulation in polymer additive manufacturing such as advanced modeling and simulation techniques for predicting material behavior and process outcomes., and integration of AI and machine learning in optimizing AM processes.
  • Advanced engineering and functional applications such as cutting-edge applications in aerospace, automotive, and biomedical sectors, and case studies on custom, high-performance components manufactured using advanced polymers and composites.


Wei Zhu
Hunan University, China

Jiaming Bai
Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Binling Chen
Beijing Institute of Technology, China

Yinfeng He
The University of Nottingham Ningbo China, China

First-principles simulations have been employed for the discovery of new energy materials such as batteries and catalysts. In combination with data-driven methods, density functional theory calculations can be extended to systems orders of magnitude larger than traditionally modeled. Moreover, they can be used to train simultaneously more accurate and transferable interatomic potentials, enhancing the quality and speed of molecular dynamics simulations. Other challenges addressed through the union of these methods include automated descriptor design, machine-learning potentials, and multi-variable and -objective optimizations. A host of studies have been reported for designing new energy materials for batteries and complex chemical processes. This symposium is proposed to include the latest progress on the thrilling topics.

First-principles calculations, Machine learning interactomic potential, High-throughput simulation, Lattice dynamics, Molecular dynamics, New materials prediction, Multi-scale simulations, Energy Applications


Yongqing Cai
University of Macau, China

Corey Oses
Johns Hopkins University, USA

From the ancient Stone Age to today’s Information Age, the development of materials always promotes the progress of technology. As human improve their ability to fabricate materials, they evolve from simple to complex compositions, and from macroscale to nanoscale, promoting the advancements of human civilization. In the last two eras, advanced materials have attracted tremendous attention due to their outstanding mechanical properties. Although massive experimental work on mechanical properties has been published, related theoretical models and simulation techniques in this field evolve slowly, largely because the properties of materials are determined by their behaviors across multiple spatial and temporal scales. To address this challenge, the development of multi-scale simulation methods and modeling techniques that can simulate the behavior of materials across several scales has become a core task of researchers in the fields of Materials Science and Mechanics. 

This symposium will report the latest progress related to the multi-scale modeling and simulation of mechanical behavior and properties in advanced materials. This symposium is designed to foster collaboration among researchers by providing a platform for identifying important challenges and opportunities in the field of multi-scale modeling and simulation. Researchers are encouraged to share their cutting-edge research and contribute to the advancement of this field. Both original research and review articles are welcome. Areas covered in this symposium include, but are not limited to: 

• Advanced multi-scale computational methods 
• Artificial intelligence in materials modeling 
• Materials design and applications 
• Materials processing and properties characterization 
• Fatigue and fracture 
• Dislocation dynamics 
• High-entropy alloys 
• Low-dimensional nanomaterials 
• Composite materials & structures


Qihong Fang
Hunan University, China

Jia Li
Hunan University, China

Yiru Ren
Hunan University, China

Bo Liu
Hunan University, China

Pengfei Tan
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Based on the numerical methods, such as finite element method, boundary element method and meshless method, numerical simulations for various problems in science, engineering and society fields have developed rapidly in the recent decades. Various numerical methods are presented for solving the problems in different fields, and the corresponding computational efficiency, accuracy and convergence are studied as well. With development of big data, numerical methods combined data analysis will play more important role for studying the problems in science, engineering and society fields. In this proposed symposium, we particularly take an interest in manuscripts that report relevance of numerical methods and data analysis for science and engineering problems. The most recent developments of numerical simulations and data analysis within the last five years, especially for new problems, will be concerned. Moreover, the manuscripts on the mathematical theories of numerical simulation and data analysis for complicated science, engineering or social problems are welcome. We also concern the development of the corresponding aspects based on big data, including the corresponding theory, numerical method and the applications. Software is an important part for numerical methods and data analysis in science and engineering. This proposed symposium also concerns the developments of the software of numerical methods and data analysis.

Keywords: Numerical method, Numerical simulation, Finite element method, Boundary element method, Meshless method, Mathematical model, Data analysis, Software


Yumin Cheng
Shanghai University, China

Jufeng Wang
Ningbo University of Finance & Economics, China

Heng Cheng
Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, China

Jing Cheng
Shenzhen University, China

Textile composites, including woven, braided, stitched, needled, knitted composites etc., under advanced multi-functional development have been widely used from the high-performance aerospace components to structural parts in transportation field. However, ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of modelling the textile composites and structures remains some challenges due to the complex detail factors, such as fiber spatial variability, defect distributions, and the meso-structure variation etc. New modelling methods corresponding to textile processing and analysis compute techniques, such as multi-scale computation, data-driven, artificial neural network, machine learning and uncertainty analysis etc., can provide some effective ways to model the textile composites. The aim of this proposed symposium "Advanced modeling strategies for textile composites" is to collect and discuss these valuable modelling and analysis methods for textile composites, which can improve the properties evaluation and material design level.

The new modelling strategies for textile composites are concerned in this topic. The interest research themes include: 
 1.High-fidelity geometry modelling methods with processing and observation 
 2.Multiscale analysis methods for textile composites 
 3.Data-driven based computational technique 
 4.Uncertainty quantification and propagation of textile composites 
 5.Mechanical properties analysis with machine learning 
 6.Characterization of spatial randomness of textile composites 
 7.Strength and damage progressive of textile composites 
 8.Micro-structure design based on virtual experiment

Keywords: Multi-scale computation, Data-driven, Artificial neural network, Machine learning, Uncertainty analysis


Guodong Fang
Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Diansen Li
Beihang University, China

Diantang Zhang
Jiangnan University, China

Junbo Xie
Tiangong University, China

Under extreme conditions such as explosion and impact, materials and structures will experience severe impact loads, which are characterized by high temperature, high strain rate, and high pressure. Impact load includes blast loading, ballistic impact, and damage. In this Symposium, theoretical analysis, numerical simulations, and experiments will be used to study the impact response and protection designs of materials and structures, including metal materials, composite materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, cellular materials, biomaterials, lightweight cellular sandwich structures, composite structures, soft matter, advanced nanomaterials, layered structures, etc. In these studies, the influences of boundary conditions, load characteristics, size effects, material properties, geometric properties, and other factors on the impact characteristics of materials and structures are considered. Through these studies, we can better understand the failure mechanisms, energy absorption, optimal designs of these materials and structures under impact load, and so on. Understanding potential dynamic deformation and failure mechanisms can help to design advanced materials or structures for energy absorption or impact resistance.


Jianxun Zhang
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Weifu Sun
Beijing Institute of Technology, China

Xin Li
Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China

Intelligent transportation and logistics integrate advanced technologies, such as real-time data analytics and automation, to optimize the movement of goods and people. These innovative systems, encompassing smart traffic management and connected logistics, enhance efficiency, reduce congestion, and improve overall safety. By leveraging cutting-edge solutions, intelligent transportation and logistics contribute to more responsive, sustainable, and interconnected networks, shaping the future of modern urban mobility and global supply chain management, and provoking more and more research possibilities.

Topics include but are not limited to:
Intelligent Transportation Systems
Intelligent Logistics
Transportation Planning
Urban Rail Transit
Smart Infrastructure
Freight Transport Management
Big Data in Transportation/Logistics


Mingwei Hu
Shenzhen University, China

Haipeng Cui
Shenzhen University, China

Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs), medium and high entropy alloys (M/HEAs) are examples of multi-principal element alloys that can exhibit novel microstructures and unique properties making them promising candidate materials for applications in many industries. Additive manufacturing (AM) provides unique opportunities to not only process these materials into parts with geometrically complex shapes, but also tailor their microstructure thereby enabling the design of components with location-specific properties. However, the compositional complexity of these materials together with some of the processing characteristics of AM, e.g., rapid cooling rates or scan strategy, often result in metastable microstructure characteristics and associated deformation mechanisms that are distinct from conventionally processed materials. Process control as well as the formation of microstructures and phases need to be understood in detail to harness the full potential of fabricating these materials using AM and enable optimization of their mechanical performance for use in applications across disciplines such as energy, transportation, defence, and biomedicine.

This symposium aims to bring together researchers, engineers and other stakeholders to showcase the state-of-the-art in AM of BMGs and M/HEAs. It will provide a platform for academia and industry to discuss and propose new ideas and solutions regarding current challenges, which will help unlock the potentials of AM processing these materials. We believe this symposium will attract board attention and add great value to The 30th International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering Sciences in Singapore. 

Topics including but not limited to the following list are welcome:
1. New alloy design and development;
2. Additive manufacturing process development and optimisation;
3. Process-microstructure-property relationship in metal additive manufacturing of 
BMGs, MEAs and HEAs;
4. Machine learning and computational modelling for metal additive manufacturing of 
BMGs and M/HEAs; 
5. Additive manufacturing of refractory multi-principal element alloys;
6. New metal additive manufacturing techniques;
7. Mechanical properties and fracture behaviour;
8. Functional properties and applications of AM-processed BMGs and M/HEAs.


Xiaopeng Li
The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney), Australia

Yongjiang Huang
Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Cheng Zhang
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Pan Wang
Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech), A*STAR, Singapore

Haishun Liu
China University of Mining and Technology, China

Xianghai An
The University of Sydney, Australia

Jiang Ma
Shenzhen University, China

Jay Kruzic
The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney), Australia

Bernd Gludovatz
The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney), Australia

Nonlinear dynamics problems are general in the field of aerospace. Modeling, computation, and simulation of nonlinear dynamics are crucial foundations in aerospace engineering, determining the success of space missions. 

In recent years, significant progress has been made in modeling, computation, and simulation research for nonlinear dynamics driven by evolving demands in aerospace. However, with the growing number and more refined behaviors of spacecraft, a challenging demand arises for developing high-precision models, efficient algorithms, and realistic simulations. 

We proposed this symposium with the aim of bringing together researchers to discuss the current developments of modeling, computation, and simulation in aerospace engineering. 

We welcome submissions of innovative work related but not limited to the following topics: 
  • Advanced dynamics models in the field of aerospace 
  • Advanced computing method 
  • Fast solvers and high-performance computation 
  • Model reduction method 
  • Space situational awareness 
  • Flight dynamics operations and spacecraft autonomy 
  • Orbit determination and space-surveillance tracking 
  • Spacecraft dynamics modeling and simulation

Advanced dynamics models, High-performance computation, Spacecraft dynamics simulation


Honghua Dai
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Xuechuan Wang
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Changtao Wang
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Xiaokui Yue
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Disease diagnosis is a complex evidence-based process that requires various data to complement each other. As the most intuitive way of displaying symptoms, medical imaging plays an important role in intelligent diagnosis and precision analysis. Especially in recent years, the advancement of artificial intelligence technology has promoted breakthroughs in various fields of precision medicine. However, it is still difficult to analyze medical imaging data with high efficiency, high accuracy, and high consistency, due to four limitations: symptom complexity, data variation, algorithm efficiency, and the subjective differences between different clinicians. Hence, intelligence analysis technology still has great potential to simplify the diagnostic process, improve the analysis accuracy and efficiency, and better assist clinicians in the diagnosis of lesions. For this Research Topic, we would like to bring together the latest progress of medical intelligent analysis technologies, such as medical intelligent diagnosis and prognosis analysis, complex fusion processing of multi-modality medical data, medical image classification, segmentation, detection, registration, reconstruction, intelligent analysis and so on. These key biomedicine intelligent analysis technologies are the basis of precision medicine as well as the hot research areas. We believe that these critical medical intelligent analysis technologies will significantly improve the abilities to achieve intelligent diagnosis and precision medicine. We welcome submissions of Original Research and Review articles focusing on the intelligent analysis of medical imaging data for precision medicine. Topics of interest include but are not limited to any of the sub-topics listed below: 
  • Multi-modality fusion for diagnosis, image analysis, and image-guided interventions
  • Medical image classification
  • Medical image biomarkers
  • Medical image reconstruction
  • Medical image registration
  • Medical image segmentation
  • Medical image retrieval
  • Medical image data mining
  • Computer-aided detection/diagnosis Outcome/disease prediction/survival prediction
  • Quantification based on intelligent analysis of medical imaging data
  • Interpretability and Complexity Analysis of Machine Learning.

Deep learning, Medical intelligent diagnosis, Medical image classification


Shuwen Chen
Jiangsu Second Normal University, China
Yudong Zhang
University of Leicester, UK
The urbanisation process has been constantly accelerating during the past few decades, leading to increasingly expended and densely populated cities.

In recent years, several high-profile safety disasters occurred worldwide, causing significant casualties as well as tremendous societal and economic impact. Therefore, it is essential to promote and conduct in-depth research in the field of safety science and engineering for the prevention and control of safety incidents and disasters. With the rapid development of computer technology, a multitude of computational tools are now widely applied to the engineering and sciences problems.

The symposium aims to bring together experts worldwide to discuss and explore the applications, advancements, and challenges in computer modelling and simulation within the context of safety science and engineering. This symposium will also focus on exchanging ideas, presenting research findings, and fostering collaborations to enhance safety across various domains, including but not limited to industrial safety, transportation safety, environmental safety, and occupational safety.

Computational Modelling
Safety Science
Hazard Analysis
Risk Assessment
Multi-physics Simulation
Data-Driven Safety
Uncertainty Quantification
Human Factors Modelling


Haowei Yao
Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, China
Zihe Gao
Zhengzhou University, China
Peng Du
Hefei Institute for Public Safety Research of Tsinghua University, China
This symposium is dedicated to advancing the understanding of marine structures through experimental and theoretical studies utilizing high-performance materials. As marine environments pose unique challenges, the symposium aims to be a focal point for researchers, engineers, and industry experts to exchange insights, share recent developments, and explore innovative solutions. Bridging the gap between theory and experimentation, the symposium seeks to contribute to the sustainable design, construction, maintenance, and enhanced performance of marine structures in diverse and challenging oceanic conditions. Marine structure plays a pivotal role in global infrastructure development, sea-space colonization, marine resources exploration and extraction, and aquaculture, etc. The structural behavior of marine structures may be substantially different under multi-hazard conditions, including thunderstorms, earthquakes, impact/blast, fire, fatigue and hybrid loading, etc. In the meanwhile, a common problem of marine concrete structures is corrosion due to the exposure to long-term and high concentrations of chlorides in the harsh marine environment and cyclical wave loading, which induces significant mechanical performance deterioration and thus poses a great threat to structural safety and serviceability. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

1. Advanced High-Performance Materials: Exploration and development of cutting-edge materials suitable for marine structures, including nanocomposites, fiber-reinforced polymers, high-performance sea-water sea-sand coral concrete and innovative hybrid materials, etc. 

2. Theoretical Modeling: Development and validation of theoretical models predicting the behavior of marine structures, considering factors such as wave loading, corrosion, and long-term durability. 

3. Empirical Characterization: Experimental studies on the mechanical behavior, of structures under marine conditions, i.e., suffering corrosion and complicated loading conditions, such as compression, wave load, impact, earthquake, wind load, etc. simultaneously.

4. Structural Integrity and Reliability: Assessment of the structural integrity and reliability of marine structures subjected to various loading conditions, with a focus on safety and prolonged performance.

- Marine Structures 
- High-Performance Materials 
- Experimental Investigations 
- Theoretical Studies 
- Structural Integrity 
- Material Characterization 
- Seawater Corrosion 
- Hydrodynamics 
- Sustainable Design


Fengming Ren
Guangzhou University, China
Mianheng Lai
Guangzhou University, China
Advanced composite materials have been increasingly used to replace metal alloys in aerospace industries due to their high strength-weight ratio and high stifness-weight ratio. However, the wide use of advanced composite materials in the main structures of an airplane may encounter potential damages under several extreme conditions such as lightning strike, bird strike, hail impact and irritation, posing severe threat to the flight safety. To design composite structures against these accidental loading, it is essential to understand the responses of composite structures under these loadings. This symposium aims to assemble high-quality research results to advance the fundamental knowledge in the field of the characterization, modelling and design of advanced composite structures under extreme conditions. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 
 •Numerical modelling and experimental characterization of responses of composite structures under extreme conditions (e.g., impact, blast, lightning strike) 
 •Novel protection design methods and approaches for composite structures against extreme conditions 
 •Development of novel lightning strike protections  
 •Development of novel high impact-resistant composite structures or meta-structures 
 •Non-destructive testing techniques for composite materials 
 •Advanced engineering applications (aerospace, automotive, etc.).

Composite structures; Lightening strike; Bird strike; Hail impact; Irradiation; Numerical modelling


Kunkun Fu
Tongji University, China
Juhyeong Lee
Utah State University, USA
Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) was originally introduced and developed by T.J.R. Hughes, J.A. Cottrell, and Y. Bazilevs in 2005 to generalize and enhance finite element analysis in the domain of geometry modeling and representation. As IGA evolved, it became apparent that isogeometric methods not only enhance geometry modeling within analysis but also exhibit superior performance to standard finite elements in various applications, offering increased accuracy per degree of freedom. The initial use of Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) as basis functions within IGA has matured into a well-established mathematical theory, leading to successful applications in solid, fluid, and multiphysics problems. Current research in IGA encompasses fundamental topics, such as the analysis of B-Rep CAD models, and the application of advanced methodologies like T-splines and Hierarchical B-splines to address complex engineering problems. A particularly promising area within the IGA context is the exploration of immersed or embedded isogeometric methods, including FCM and immersogeometric analysis. Aligned with these ongoing research directions, this symposium aims to bring together experts in Computational Mechanics with a keen interest in IGA, fostering collaboration to collectively advance the state-of-the-art in this field.

Isogeometric analysis, Integration of CAD/CAE, NURBS finite element, T-Splines, Geometric modeling


Xuefeng Zhu
Dalian University of Technology, China
Xin Li
University of Science and Technology of China, China

Gang Xu
Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology, China

Yingjun Wang
South China University of Technology, China

Yang Xia
Dalian University of Technology, China
1. Theories, Analytical and Experimental Methods for Aero-Thermal-Acoustic-Elastic Analysis
2. Studies Focusing on Nonlinear Panel Flutter and Typical Aircrafts in Thermal and Acoustic Environment
3. Reduced Order Modelling for High-Dimensional Systems involving Analysis of Aero-Thermal-Acoustic-Elastic Interaction
4. Computational Fluid/Structural/Thermal Dynamics and Aeroacoustics (CFD/ CSD/ CTD/CAA) Methods Applied to High-Speed Flight Vehicles
5. Coupling Strategies for Fluid-Structure-Thermal-Acoustic Interaction
6. Artificial Intelligence Technologies Applied in the Field of Aeroelasticity/Aerothermoelasticity

Aeroelasticity; Aerothermoelasticity; Aeroacoustics; Reduced Order Model; CFD/CSD/CTD/CAA


Dan Xie
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
The digital and intelligent transformation has emerged as a significant trend and urgent objective for the high-quality development of the aerospace industry. Among them, two noteworthy and promising technologies are digital twin and virtual simulation experiment, which integrate multi-disciplinary and multi-scale simulation processes, physical models, sensors and operation history to create a digital representation of the entire lifecycle of aerospace structures.

We welcome submissions exploring the theory and methodologies of digital twin and virtual simulation experiment for aerospace structures. Topics may encompass structural analysis, optimization design, testing and verification, performance assessment, fault diagnosis, operation and maintenance, as well as virtual flight. Potential themes include but are not limited to:
  • Multi-source information fusion for digital twin
  • Structural design based on digital twin
  • Fault diagnosis based on digital twin
  • Intelligent operation and maintenance
  • Reduced order model for digital twin
  • Digital twin-based optimization design
  • Virtual simulation experiment
  • Virtual structural integrity analysis
  • Numerical and experimental methods for additive manufactured materials and structures
  • Virtual repair for aerospace structures
  • Virtual flight test

Digital twin; Virtual simulation experiment; Aerospace structures; Fault diagnosis; Operation and maintenance; Virtual repair


Kuo Tian
Dalian University of Technology, China

Shiyao Lin
The University of Texas at Arlington, USA

Weizhu Yang
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Laser processing and manufacturing has become one of the most convenient technologies for advanced manufacturing and is applicable to related industries such as automobile, railway, shipbuilding, and aerospace. Representative laser processing and manufacturing technology include laser micro-nano processing, laser welding, laser additive manufacturing, laser cutting, laser drilling, and etc. The rapid advances in laser processing have improved the quality and efficiency of industrial fabrication, and also bring enormous challenges for academic research and industrial application. This symposium aims at providing a platform for discussing the latest advances on laser processing and manufacturing. The topics will focus on new phenomena and mechanisms of the interaction between laser and materials, technologies and applications in laser processing, and industrial applications of laser manufacturing.

Laser, ultrafast laser, laser manufacturing, precision processing, micro-nano fabrication, industrial applications


Jianfeng Yan
Tsinghua University, China

Xiaoming Yu
University of Central Florida, USA

Wentao Yan
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, has revolutionized the aerospace industry by offering new possibilities for designing and producing complex, lightweight, and high-performance components. The integration of robotic systems with additive manufacturing technologies has further expanded the capabilities of this innovative manufacturing approach, enabling the creation of advanced aerospace structures with enhanced precision, efficiency, and flexibility. As the aerospace industry continues to push the boundaries of performance and sustainability, the intersection of robot-assisted additive manufacturing (RoAM) presents a compelling avenue for research, development, and application.

The use of robots in additive manufacturing processes offers several distinct advantages, including increased automation, higher precision, and the ability to fabricate complex geometries with greater efficiency. Robots equipped with advanced end-effectors and sensors can handle various additive manufacturing tasks, such as material deposition, part manipulation, surface finishing, and in-process quality control. Furthermore, the integration of robots with additive manufacturing systems enables the implementation of novel fabrication strategies, including multi-axis printing, hybrid manufacturing processes, and in-situ monitoring and control, which are crucial for meeting the stringent requirements of aerospace components.

In this symposium, we invite contributions that address a wide range of topics related to RoAM for aerospace applications. These topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Wire arc additive manufacture (WAAM) and laser metal deposition (LMD) for additive manufacturing in aerospace.
  • Robotic metrology investigations and system design.
  • Composite material and functionally graded additive manufacturing using robotic platforms.
  • Simulation, programming, and optimization of robot-assisted additive manufacturing processes.
  • Hybrid manufacturing approaches combining robots with traditional machining and additive processes.
  • Case studies and industrial applications demonstrating the benefits and challenges of robot-assisted additive manufacturing.

In summary, this symposium aims to serve as a comprehensive platform for the dissemination of state-of-the-art research, developments, and insights into the convergence of RoAM for aerospace applications. By fostering collaboration between researchers, engineers, and industry partners, we seek to advance the understanding and implementation of this transformative manufacturing paradigm and look forward to the wealth of knowledge and insights that will be shared through this symposium.

Robot-assisted manufacturing; Additive manufacturing; Metrology; Metallic structures; Composite materials; Material processing; Aerospace engineering.


Nanya Li
Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, China

Soh Khim ONG 
National University of Singapore, Singapore

Nan Yu
The University of Edinburgh, UK

Unai Mutilba

Ting Wang
Technical University of München, Germany & LEAM Technologies GmbH, Germany

Xiaochun Wu
AECC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co., Ltd & Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Linglin Zhang
AECC Commercial Aircraft Engine Co., Ltd, China

Lei Yang
Wuhan University of Technology, China

Guoxin Fang
Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

Zhongsen Zhang
Tongji University, China
Advanced ceramics and composites are extensively utilized in aerospace, electronics, medical, and energy fields due to their exceptional thermal, electrical, mechanical, and optical properties. Additive manufacturing of advanced ceramics and composites offers tremendous design flexibility and facilitates the transformative manufacturing of materials and structures for multiple functions. The growth of ceramic/composite additive manufacturing brings enormous opportunities and challenges for academic and industrial applications.
This symposium focuses on cutting-edge research on the latest progress in additive manufacturing of advanced ceramics and composites. We encourage submissions that explore the breadth and depth of this dynamic field, including but are not limited to:
• Materials design for advanced ceramics and composites additive manufacturing, including raw materials formulation and properties of ceramics and carbon-based powders, resin composites, and organic precursors.
• Additive manufacturing processes for advanced ceramics and composites, such as vat polymerization, powder bed fusion, binder jetting, material extrusion, and other hybrid additive manufacturing.
• Post-processing for advanced ceramics and composites additive manufacturing, including green body drying, degreasing, sintering, isostatic pressing, infiltration, impregnation, and other procedures.
• Structure/function/performance integrated design for advanced ceramics and composites additive manufacturing, including structural, functional, and performance characterization and numerical simulation optimization of ceramic components.
• Recent advances in the application of advanced ceramics and composites additive manufacturing, including mechanical and electronic, energy and environmental protection catalysis, aerospace, biomedical, and art jewelry applications.


Chao Cai
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Zhangwei Chen
Shenzhen Univeristy, China

Soshu Kirihara
Osaka University, Japan

Kai Liu
Wuhan University of Technology, China

Ruidi Li
Central South University, China

Sheng Guo
Wuhan Textile University, China
Modeling crack propagation has long been a challenging and crucial issue in both engineering and scientific fields. A variety of innovative computational methods have been developed to model crack propagation in different materials under various loading conditions. The mini-symposium aims to provide a platform for discussing the latest theoretical and numerical developments in crack propagation modeling. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • Extended Finite Element Method
  • Discrete Models
  • Multiscale Modeling bridging different length/time scales
  • Continuum Damage Model
  • Phase Field Method
  • Peridynamics Method


Zhanli Liu
Tsinghua University, China

Rong Tian
Software Center for High Performance Numerical Simulation, China

Luwen Zhang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Leiting Dong
Beihang University, China

Lixiang Wang
Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Minsheng Huang
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Engineering structures might undergo damage and failure under complex loading, such as the quasi-static, impact, cyclic, multi-physics, extreme loads or the combination of them, resulting in structural integrity reduction. Analyzing the structural failure under complex loading has been an essential task during the structural design. However, these types of structural failure normally involve complex mechanisms, such as fluid-structure-failure interaction, fracture and fragmentation, contact among cracks, thermomechanical behaviors as well as the wear and erosion. For this reason, it is still challenging to analyze complicated structural damage and failure under complex loading for existing numerical methods, which has drawn worldwide attention in the field of scientific researches and engineering applications.

The objective of this mini-symposium is to bring together experts working on analyzing structural damage and failure under complex loading, and to share state-of-the-art research contributions in this field. Topics of interest for this mini-symposium include but are not restricted to:

  • Advanced methods for predicting structural damage and failure, including analytical methods, mesh-based methods, meshless methods etc.
  • Analyzing structural damage and failure subjected to fluid-structure interactions and multi-physics loading.
  • Analyzing fracture and fragmentation under dynamic loading.
  • Analyzing failure modes of wear and erosion.
  • Analyzing complex damage and failure of advanced materials and composites.
  • Application of numerical methods to realistic applications.

Numerical methods; Fracture and fragmentation; Thermomechanical problems; Fluid-structure interaction; Multi-physics problems; Contact behaviors; Wear and erosion


Mingjing Li
Beihang University, China

Shunhua Chen
Sun Yat-sen University, China

Leiting Dong
Beihang University, China
Advanced composite structures are attracting increasing attention in industrial applications due to excellent mechanical performance and unique properties. As such, the development of advanced composite structures can fulfil many important engineering missions, such as, safety improvement, thermal management, weight reduction, energy-absorption enhancement, and so forth.

It is of great significance to improve the performance of composites through structural design and optimization. Meanwhile, recently-developed additive manufacturing or 3D printing technique, e.g., fused filament fabrication (FFF), stereolithography (SLA), etc., have undergone significant development, opening new horizons for manufacturing small-scale and complex composite structural parts that cannot be appropriately made using conventional techniques.
With these significant aims, this symposium is dedicated to the field of novel and engineering solutions in structural design and additive manufacturing of advanced composite materials. Some subjects are mentioned here for reference and submission, e.g.,

  • Structural design and optimization of composite materials and structures for advanced mechanical performance and multi-functional purposes (theoretical, computational, experimental, etc.)
  • 3D printing technology (viz., the recently-developed technique including FFF, SLA, etc., the conventional additive approach including AFP, etc., and especially the intelligent manufacturing technique, etc.)
  • Polymer & fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites by 3D printing (such as reinforcement with continuous or discontinuous carbon fibres, rubber composites, etc.)
  • Composites repair (advanced methods and techniques on repairing composite structures and materials)
  • Processing and characterization of additively manufactured composites (new experimental methods or findings)
  • Life-cycle assessment of 3D printed composite parts (e.g., fatigue, corrosion resistance and durability analysis)
  • Engineering applications (aerospace, automotive, etc.)

In this symposium, research-, development-, and application-related, and all other related submissions are welcomed.

Composite materials; Additive manufacturing; Structural design; Functional composites; Continuous fiber-reinforced composites.


Yuan Chen
Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Xin Zhang
Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Xuefeng Yao
Tsinghua University, China
Uncertainties represent a ubiquitous challenge within the realm of civil engineering. Historically, these uncertainties were managed through the implementation of factors of safety or reliance on reliability analyses. However, the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) has ushered in a new era, enabling a more precise and sophisticated characterization of uncertainty in civil engineering applications. 

We welcome submissions on a variety of topics in the following areas, but not limited to:
  • Hysteretic behavior prediction based on machine learning techniques
  • Underground rock crack detection with deep learning
  • Zonal disintegration by the Monte Carlo method
  • Sandification of dolomite with the machine learning approach
  • Localization and shear band forming with uncertainties in geomaterials

Machine learning; deep learning; uncertainties; civil engineering


Gang Bi
Nanjing Tech University, China

Ning Zhang
Nanjing Tech University, China

Dongqi Jiang
Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
The transient response solution is a basic requirement for many science and engineering problems, especially in structural dynamics, multibody system dynamics, heat transfer, etc. The time discretization methods have been essential techniques for transient solution by collaborating with some spatial discretization techniques (e.g., the finite element method, the boundary element method, the finite difference method, the isogeometric method, and the meshless method), which numerically integrate the transient response step by step. The expectation from practical applications continuously promotes the development of the time discretization methods with high accuracy, high stability, and high efficiency. Many progresses have been achieved in this field including algorithms design, accuracy analysis, algorithm optimization, adaptive strategies, algorithm applications, etc.

The mini-symposium aims to provide a platform for discussing the recent developments of the time discretization methods for structural dynamics, multibody system dynamics, and heat transfer. The topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
• Time integration/Time-stepping/Time-marching methods or procedures
• Explicit/Implicit/Explicit-implicit methods
• Single-step/Multistep methods
• Composite methods/Generalized Runge-Kutta (RK) methods/General linear methods
• Precise integration methods/Exponential integration methods
• Energy/Momentum/Symplectic/Structure conservation methods
• Space-time discretization methods
• Time step adaptive methods/Isochronous/Asynchronous integration methods
• Algorithms for the first/second order ordinary differential equations (ODEs)
• Algorithms for differential-algebraic equations (DAEs)
• Time integration methods for complex systems in structural vibration, impact, earthquake, wave propagation, multibody system dynamics, linear and nonlinear dynamics, heat transfer systems, mechanical systems, multiscale/multirate problems, software applications, etc.


Jie Zhang
Jinan University, China

Yi Ji
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Understanding the fundamentals of plastic deformation and failure of crystalline materials is indeed longstanding challenge, which has recently undergone a revival through development of new theoretical and experimental methods, as well as the improvement of computation power. For the successful design of micro or submicro devices, the knowledge of the mechanical response of materials in the nanometer regime are essential. The importance of the plastic behavior from the mesoscale down to the atomic level for nanotechnology gave further impulses to this field. In addition, the crystal plasticity constitutive laws based on the continuum mechanics include the bottom information and mechanisms, which also promotes the development of plasticity research greatly. This symposium is mainly focused on regimes from the atomistic to the Mesoscale, and to the continuum macroscopic scale modeling on plastic responses of advanced crystal materials, as well as their machine learning.

Abstracts are sought in areas described below but not limited to the following:
• Microscopic modeling of plasticity and deformation mechanisms
• Mesoscopic modeling of plasticity and dislocation mechanisms
• Crystal Plasticity constitutive laws and associated modelling
• Phenomenological plasticity constitutive theory and its FE simulation
• Machine learning on plastic behaviors of advanced materials
• The multiscale plastic behaviors of advanced materials under extreme environments.


Minsheng Huang
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Zhanli Liu
Tsinghua University, China

Qihong Fang
Hunan University, China

Haidong Fan
Sichuan University, China

Yaxin Zhu
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Qianhua Kan
Southwest Jiaotong University, China

Xu Zhang
Southwest Jiaotong University, China
The phase field method (PFM) for fracture originated from Francfort and Marigo (1998) who proposed a linearly elastic variational principle for enhancing Griffith's energy theory. As a continuous approach to fracture, instead of tracking crack surfaces, the PFM represents crack using a scalar field (phase field). After introducing an energy split strategy (Miehe et al., 2010) to avoid crack propagation driven by compression strain, the PFM can naturally predict the fracture processes including crack nucleation propagation, joining, and branching as the result of the minimization of the energy functional without any extra fracture criteria. The PFM has been successfully applied to various materials including anisotropy, elastoplasticity, viscoelasticity, hyperelasticity, piezoelectricity, ferroelectricity, micropolarity, cement hydration, composites, etc. We initiate this symposium to report and discuss recent progress in various aspects of PFM topics of interest include but not limit to:
1. PFM for fracture of various materials
2. PFM for fracture in multi-physical problems
3. High-performance computing strategies for the PFM
4. Multi-scale modeling and computational strategies involving the PFM
5. Complex fracture problems by the phase field approach
6. Engineering applications and implementations of the PFM


Hongjun Yu
Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Luwen Zhang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Jianying Wu
South China University of Technology, China

Xiaofei Hu
Dalian University of Technology, China

Bin Li
Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, China

Feng Ye
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Smart materials and composite structures play a crucial role in various fields such as aerospace, machinery manufacturing, automotive engineering, architecture, and so forth. The traditional theoretical analysis and numerical research are primarily based on model-driven approaches from perspectives of mathematical and physical principles. However, these methods have limitations in certain limitations, such as long development cycles, high computing complexity, low real-time efficiency, difficulties in generalization and scalability, etc.

Currently, rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology, with machine learning at the forefront, provides a powerful impetus for the advancement of smart materials and composite structures. For instance, AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data quickly, and then demonstrate static and dynamic properties, reveal new physical mechanism, predict properties and behaviors, and accelerate the process of structural design. For instance, AI can be used to solve partial differential equations (PDEs) of multi-field coupled media, which can replace complex theoretical derivations. Additionally, the integration of machine learning and optimization algorithms enables rapid search of structural parameters and topological shapes to achieve optimal structural performance. In terms of structural health monitoring (SHM), AI can enable real-time monitoring of structures and devices, high-precision structural tomography imaging, and quantitative reconstruction of structural defects. By combining sensor data with machine learning algorithms, AI can also accurately identify structural damage and fatigue states, and then predict remaining life in advance.

This symposium mainly focuses on basic research issue related to AI in smart materials and composite structures. We welcome theoretical, numerical and experimental papers for this purpose. Possible submission topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Development of AI algorithms and the application in mechanics
  • AI algorithms in piezoelectric, ferroelectric, piezomagnetic, magnetostrictive, and semiconductive media
  • AI algorithms for solving PDEs
  • AI algorithms in SHM
  • AI algorithms in composite materials
  • AI algorithms in phonics and metamaterials
  • AI algorithms in structural optimization

Artificial intelligence algorithms, 
Smart materials and composite structures, Neural network, Support vector machine, Partial differential equations


Zhenghua Qian
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

Licheng Guo
Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Zhuojia Fu
Hohai University, China
Soft materials are ubiquitous in nature and have found tremendous applications in robotics, aerospace, and medical device industries due to their unique mechanical responses. The challenges in soft material mechanics stem from complex microscopic constitutive relations and nonlinear large deformations. This symposium seeks contributions that delve into the fundamental mechanics of soft materials, fostering discussions from theoretical, numerical, and experimental perspectives. By bringing together experts from mechanics, mathematics, and materials communities, this symposium aims to facilitate collaboration and application development. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

• Microstructures in soft materials and pattern formation across various scales
• Modeling large deformations, bifurcation and instability of soft materials
• Hydrogels and liquid crystal elastomers
• Advancements in experimental technologies
• Development of constitutive relations for soft materials
• Soft robotics and engineering applications

We invite researchers and practitioners to contribute their insights, fostering a multidisciplinary exchange of ideas in the vibrant field of soft materials.

Soft materials, large deformations, instability, non-linear mechanics


Fan Feng
Peking University, China

Xin Yi
Peking University, China

Guijin Zou
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Wear, friction and lubrication are significant factors that contribute to the failure of machinery components, leading to a dramatic degradation in their performance, reliability, and lifespan. Recent advancements in material science have led to the development of various novel materials with exceptional mechanical and tribological properties. These materials have provided promising candidates for reducing wear and friction while exhibiting excellent lubrication performances, thus holding great potential for improving the reliability of machinery components. This symposium aims to bring together researchers and engineers to report recent advancements in the field of tribology regarding novel materials. The focus will be on evaluating friction and wear properties of these materials, modeling their tribological behaviors at various scales, understanding the lubrication mechanisms of novel lubricants, and exploring their practical applications. Potential topics of this symposium include but are not limited to the following:
1. Multiscale tribology
2. Biotribology
3. Industrial tribology
4. Lubrication and tribochemistry
5. Surface engineering for tribology and lubrication
6. Novel modeling in tribology and lubrication

Tribology; lubrication; lubricants; tribochemistry; adhesion theory; surface engineering.


Lichun Bai
Central South University, China

Jiahao Li
Changsha University of Science & Technology, China

Qingbing Dong
Chongqing University, China

Bo Liu
Hunan University, China
Composite materials play an indispensable role across various industries, including aerospace, automotive and marine engineering. Despite extensive research and development dedicated to composites, their inherently heterogeneous nature poses persistent challenges in systematically understanding these materials, hindering their practical engineering applications. Staying at the forefront of advances in experimental and modelling methodologies is imperative for researchers and engineers engaged in the design, manufacturing, and engineering application of these high-potential materials. The goal of this symposium is to provide a dynamic platform for researchers and engineers to disseminate and exchange the latest studies in the experimental methods and modelling approaches developed for composites. The objective extends beyond acquiring a deeper understanding of composites to fostering collaborations that will shape the future of composites research. Submissions on the broad spectrum of composite experimentation and modelling are not only encouraged but also warmly welcomed.

Material characterisation, Interlaminar delamination, Translaminar fracture, Interface debonding, Environmental effects (temperature, moisture, and fatigue), Strain or loading rate effects (quasi-static and dynamic), Energy absorption, Low- and high-velocity impact, Blast, Ultrasound scanning, Computed tomography (X-Ray), Nanoindentation, In-situ experimentation, Digital image correlation, Digital volume correlation, Machine Learning, Multiscale modelling, Unit cell modelling, Damage and failure prediction


Yanhong Chen
Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Licheng Guo
Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Zhongwei Guan
Technology Innovation Institute, United Arab Emirates

Jin Zhou
Xi'an Jiaotong University, China

Zhaoliang Qu
Beijing Institute of Technology, China

Xiaole Li
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia

Rafael Celeghini Santiago
Technology Innovation Institute, United Arab Emirates

Chao Wang
Harbin Institute of Technology, China

The advancement of high-performance, secure, and sustainable energy storage systems is crucial to achieving carbon neutralization goals. In tackling the challenges associated with the progression of energy storage and transition, it becomes imperative to employ sophisticated models and advanced computational techniques. This is essential for comprehending the inherently multiscale and multiphysics processes that occur during both assembly and service, thereby bridging the gap between academia and industry.

This symposium aims to establish a platform for researchers and engineers to exchange insights on the latest models and innovative computational techniques. These methods include both physics-based and data-driven approaches, with a focus on addressing the intricate processes involved in material failure, electro-chemical reactions, heat transfer, and other phenomena within energy storage systems. The systems of interest encompass a variety of technologies such as lithium-ion batteries, solid-state batteries, supercapacitors, and fuel cells.

The primary objectives of this symposium are to narrow the divide between theoretical models and practical applications and to cultivate interdisciplinary collaborations. By fostering a space for the sharing of cutting-edge research and computational methodologies, the symposium endeavors to inspire collaborative efforts that will contribute to the advancement of energy storage technologies in line with the broader goals of sustainability and carbon neutrality. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to,

  • Multiscale modelling and simulation of energy storage materials
  • Multiphysics modelling and simulation of energy storage materials
  • Data-driven modelling of energy storage materials
  • Failure mechanisms such as fracture, dendrite growth, void growth in electrodes/solid electrolytes
  • Structural design and optimization of electrodes and cells
  • Prediction of battery performance, safety, and lifespan in extreme environments
  • Electro-chemo-mechanical coupling models and techniques

Energy storage materials, material failure, multiscale and multiphysics simulations, data-driven approach, design and optimization


Qi Tong
Fudan University, China

Feng Hao
Shandong University, China

Ying Zhao
Tongji University, China

Le Yang
Beijing Institute of Technology, China

Soft robotic systems are human-friendly and can mimic the complex motions of animals, introducing promising potential in various applications, ranging from novel actuation and wearable electronics to bioinspired robots operating in unstructured environments. Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, offers a promising fabrication method for soft robots, enabling the personalization and customization of materials and structures. Furthermore, 4D printing adds the fourth dimension "time" to 3D printed complex structures, allowing for the creation of soft robots with multimodal behaviors.

Although 3D/4D printing meets the multimaterial, multiscale and multifunctional demands of soft robots, its further development requires the advancement of 3D printing methods, robust soft materials, modeling and simulations, and explorations of applications.

The aim of this symposium is to bring together original research and review articles highlighting recent advances in 3D printing technologies, modeling and simulation, and application explorations in 3D/4D printing of soft robotics. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following subjects:

-Advances in 3D/4D printing soft materials.

-Design methodologies, theoretical modeling, and simulation tools for 3D/4D printed structures.

-3D/4D printing of flexible circuits, wearable electronics, conformal sensors, and other flexible devices.

-Applications of 3D/4D printed soft robots.

3D printing, 4D printing, soft robotics, flexible electronics, modeling and design


Dong Wang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Qi Ge
Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Oliver Weeger
Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
Pablo Valdivia y Alvarado
Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
Biomedical metals are key raw materials for the manufacture of orthopedic, cardio-cerebrovascular, and oral implantable devices. High-quality medical metal materials are essential for ensuring the safety and efficacy of implantable device products. Medical metal materials are prepared using a variety of procedures, including casting, plastic forming, machining, powder metallurgy, metal injection molding, and 3D printing (also known as additive manufacturing). The structure and functional properties of biomedical metal materials are significantly affected by their manufacturing method and technology. In recent years, this field has experienced rapid growth due to the introduction of many cutting-edge technologies, advanced materials, design, and simulation techniques, as well as the development of structural and functional applications.

This symposium focuses on significant advances in the development, characterization, and application of biomedical metals with efficiently regulated corrosion resistance, as well as improved mechanical, wear, biological, and biofunctional properties. We encourage submissions that explore the breadth and depth of this dynamic field, including but not limited to:

1. New biomedical metal materials and manufacturing techniques;
2. Design and processing of biofunctional metals for orthopedic and vascular applications;
3. Biomaterial surface modification;
4. Biocompatibility and biofunctionality evaluation;
5. Computational simulation in biomaterials and tissue engineering;
6. Medical device manufacturing and clinic applications;
7. Quality assurance and regulation for new biomaterials, manufacturing techniques, and medical devices.

Metallic biomaterials, Advanced manufacturing, Implantable devices, Surface modification, Mechanical properties, Biofunctional properties


Hong Wu
Central South University, China

Cuie Wen
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Australia

Luning Wang
University of Science and Technology Beijing, China
Fuzeng Ren
Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Dapeng Zhao
Hunan University, China

Luxin Liang
The Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, China
As a promising design tool, topology optimization has experienced a tremendous progress. Aiming to allocate the available material to maximize system performance while satisfying multiple constraints, a number of branches have come into emergence, e.g. homogenization method, Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization (SIMP), Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO) and Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization (BESO), level set method (LSM), phase field method, moving morphable components or voids (MMC, MMV) method. Due to the increasing demand for sustainable, efficient, and high-quality engineering applications, there is an urgent necessity to develop more comprehensive design approaches and propose innovative design concepts. Therefore, several novel methods on topology optimization have emerged, such as parametric level set method, moving morphable components method, new bubble method and the combination with traditional technique.

This symposium focuses on new developments of topology optimization methods and their applications, with particular focus on theory developments, numerical implementations and potential applications. Potential topics include but are not limited to:
1. New topology optimization method, theory, numerical technique and its engineering application
2. Bionics design, anisotropic material design, multi-scale design by topology optimization method
3. Topology optimization method related to nonlinearity, dynamics, compliant, buckling, stress, fatigue and multiple physical problem
4. Topology optimization combined with probabilistic/non-probabilistic reliability-based design or robust design
5. Deep learning based innovative structural/material topology optimization design and applications
6. Advanced structural topology optimization methods for metamaterials, including electromagnetic, thermal, mechanical, acoustic and multiphysics metamaterials


Kai Long
North China Electric Power University, China

Zunyi Duan
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Jiao Jia
Beihang University, China
Qinghai Zhao
Qingdao University, China
Multiphysics is a branch of science and engineering that studies the interactions and couplings between different physical phenomena, such as fluid dynamics, oil and gas seepage, heat transfer, solid mechanics. Multiphysics problems are ubiquitous in nature and technology, such as geo-resource development, CO2 geological storage, weather forecasting, aerodynamics, Mechanical engineering, nanotechnology, and quantum information. These problems involve complex and nonlinear systems that are often described by partial differential equations (PDEs) or integro-differential equations (IDEs) that are difficult to solve analytically or numerically. Therefore, developing efficient and accurate methods for solving these problems is of great interest and challenge for researchers and practitioners.

Traditionally, numerical methods such as finite difference, finite element, finite volume, meshless and spectral methods have been widely used to discretize and solve the PDEs or IDEs arising from multiphysics problems. However, these methods also have some limitations, such as high computational cost, low convergence rate, stability issues, mesh generation, and boundary conditions. Moreover, these methods may not be able to capture some of the complex features or behaviors of the multiphysics systems, such as multiscale, multiphase, and multicomponent phenomena.

In recent years, quantum computing has emerged as a promising alternative or supplement to the traditional numerical methods. Quantum computing exploits the quantum mechanical properties of qubits, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform parallel and high-speed computations that are beyond the reach of classical computers. Quantum computing has shown great potential and advantages in solving some of the challenging problems in multiphysics, such as high-performance linear solver, high-dimensional parameter estimation, uncertainty quantification, inverse problems, optimization, and control. However, quantum computing also faces some challenges and open questions, such as algorithm design and implementation, hardware development and scalability, and theoretical analysis and validation.

The main objective of this symposium is to bring together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines and backgrounds, such as mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science, and quantum information, to share their latest findings, insights, and perspectives on the applications of numerical methods and quantum computing in multiphysics. The symposium also aims to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and communication, identify the current challenges and opportunities, and explore the future directions and trends in this emerging and exciting field.

The symposium will cover the following topics, but not limited to:

• Numerical methods for solving PDEs or IDEs arising from multiphysics problems

• Quantum computing for solving PDEs or IDEs arising from multiphysics problems

• Hybrid methods that combine numerical methods and quantum computing for solving multiphysics problems

• Theoretical analysis and validation, applications and case studies


Xiang Rao
Yangtze University, China

Kou Du
Inner Mongolia North Heavy Industries Group CORP.LTD, China

Jianwei Shi
Zhengzhou University, China
In the rapidly advancing field of material science, atomistic modeling has emerged as a critical approach. Grounded in the quantum mechanics that underpin atomic bonds, atomistic modeling offers deep insights into the fundamental mechanisms that govern the mechanical behavior of materials, even at the macroscopic scale. In particular, elucidating the behavior of atomic-level defects, such as dislocation dynamics, twinning, grain boundary interactions, crack propagation, and their interference with impurities, is crucial for understanding the mechanical properties of materials, namely their strength, ductility, and toughness. This knowledge is vital for accurately predicting and understanding the properties of a broad spectrum of advanced materials, including multi-component alloys, nano-structured composites, and glassy materials. Furthermore, the importance of atomistic modeling extends beyond the comprehension of mechanical properties and it plays a vital role in understanding multiphysics phenomena, where mechanical properties correlate with ferroelectric characteristics, magnetism, chemical reactions, electric conductivities, and more. This symposium is dedicated to presenting the latest breakthroughs in atomic simulations and the theoretical frameworks that support these advancements in material modeling. Particularly, the recent surge in machine learning approaches has been recognized as a paradigm shift in atomic simulations, overcoming traditional barriers related to spatial and time scales. We hope this symposium will serve as a forum for discussing researches of innovative material modeling, including machine learning techniques, cutting-edge computational theories, and their impact on real-world applications.

Molecular dynamics simulation, Ab initio calculation, Kinetic Monte Carlo, Interatomic potential, Machine learning approaches, Lattice defects, Multiphysics


Shigenobu Ogata
Department of Mechanical Science and Bioengineering, Osaka University, Japan

Daisuke Matsunaka
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Shinshu University, Japan

Hideki Mori
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Industrial Technology, Japan

Yoshinori Shiihara
Graduate School of Engineering, Toyota Technological Institute, Japan

Energy beam has been wide used in polishing, modifying, and etching of materials. Owing to the characteristics of no-contact and selective, it has been deterministic method for micro/nano precision machining. However, the updating of processing materials and processing targets presents new challenges to energy beam processing. To breakthrough the limitations of technology application, it is essential to understand the fundamental mechanism of the energy beam process on different materials. This symposium aims to assemble high-quality research to advance the fundamental knowledge in the field of material processing mechanisms, new processing technology and machine tools. 

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• New processing tools development.
• Fundamental theory for interaction between materials and energy beam.
• Laser assisted machining.
• Ions beam machining and plasma processing.
• Laser etching of microstructure.
• Energy beam- induced material modification and synthesis
• E-beam lithography

Energy beam, material removal mechanism, micro/nano fabrication


Chunyang Du
National University of Defense Technology, China

Yongjiu Yuan
City University of Hong Kong, China

Kaiyuan You
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Recently, a growing number of organizations are turning to zero-trust technologies. Their aim is to mitigate risks by strictly enforcing least-privilege access decisions, particularly when their networks face threats. Within this zero-trust framework, every access request, whether from within the organization or outside, must undergo authentication and be scrutinized for proper permissions. This not only ensures access legitimacy but also deters unauthorized individuals from leveraging devices of legitimate users for lateral movements within the network. Hence, it's crucial for organizations to gauge the trustworthiness of each access request, drawing insights from user behavior and threat intelligence. They must then refine their access control policies based on these assessments. The research community has persistently highlighted the vital role of pioneering technologies and comprehensive solutions in advancing the zero-trust paradigm.

This mini-symposium invites submissions of original, high-quality research on the latest developments, challenges, and solutions in the realm of zero-trust. Our aim is to push the boundaries of current zero-trust technology, embracing innovations in algorithms, methodologies, and frameworks. Through these advancements, we hope to evaluate the risk of access requests with greater precision, truly embodying the zero-trust ethos and, in turn, diminishing potential cybersecurity threats. In addition, excellent researches published in this mini-symposium will be invited to the following special issues:

- Special Issue: Emerging Technologies with Symmetry for Zero Trust, Symmetry, 
- Special Issue: Exploring the Frontier of Zero-Trust Technologies: Overcoming Challenges and Innovating Solutions, CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua,
- Special Issue: Emerging Technologies, Challenges and Solutions for Zero Trust, Frontiers in Communications and Networks (Security, Privacy and Authentication) & Frontiers in the Internet of Things (Security, Privacy and Authentication), 

We welcome topics of interest that encompass, but are not limited to:

- Trust Evaluation Algorithms for Zero-Trust Frameworks
- Cyber Threat Intelligence within Zero-Trust Contexts
- Risk Assessment of Edge Devices in Zero-Trust Scenarios
- Innovative Access Control Mechanisms in Zero-Trust Systems
- Designing Access Policies and Enforcing Selective Restrictions in Zero-Trust Models
- Emerging Theories, Architectures, Applications, and Paradigms in the Zero-Trust Domain
- Best Practices and Insights from Zero-Trust Architecture Deployments
- Security Modeling Techniques for Zero-Trust Architectures
- Employing Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in Zero-Trust Settings
- Measuring and Benchmarking the Efficacy of Zero-Trust Technologies
- Cutting-Edge Technologies Shaping Zero-Trust (e.g., AI, Blockchain, Deterministic Networks, Cloud/Edge Computing, Soft Computing, Machine Learning and State-of-the-Art Computation Algorithms)
- Diverse Challenges and Aspects of Zero-Trust Implementation

Zero Trust, Trustworthiness, Access Control, Risk Management, Security, Privacy


Kuo-Hui Yeh
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan

Shi-Cho Cha
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan